Valerie F.
Taking a while, but seems like warts are shrinking. I'll send photo when change more noticeable . He loves it.
Denise H.
He still has the bump, but it's went down in size a little.
Kristie M.
We were taking our dog Rosy to the vet today for some thing other than the bumps and lumps, and both of us noticed as we were petting our dog to comfort her anxiety that her lumps were getting smaller. We have been using this Product for approximately three weeks.
Tamara W.
His lumps are going away
Michael H.
My older German shepherd had low energy and a lump on the base of her tail . Her energy levels are keeping up with my new puppy and the bump is almost completely gone now
Tammy M.
My fur babies have more energy and there is a big difference in the density of the tumors under their skin. Tumors a significantly softer. I definitely a fan of your products and will continue to buy them for my girls!
Thank you!
Bethany B.
My Harley has a large tumor by his front leg, it was the size of a baseball and is now down half the size. Took approximately 2 months to notice the difference. Thank you !
Dennis R.
El producto es Excelente, es una lastima que no le tire foto antes, no pensé que tan rápido funcionaría ya en tres semanas casi cumpliendo el mes desapareció por completo. Amo el producto y les agradezco muchísimo. Dios los bendiga!
Scott K.
On my second can and can see the fatty tumor on her side decreasing in size. Her energy levels are off the chart. So , so far so good, have 3 more cans and let’s see what she looks like then but like I say , I’m impressed.
Dawn B.
so the lumps haven't gone down but she enjoys the flavor and seems to have a little more energy which is good. Black Labrador and Pitbull mix, she's just turned 11 years old. We are almost through our 2nd can. I have been using the Salmon oil also, my other pitty mix is 6 yrs old and the apoquel tends to make her grumpy and the salmon oil is helping a little bit but no miracles here.
Bobbe J.
It has really helped our dachshund mix with his multiple lumps. We are very pleased.
Linda S.
It worked really well within a week. My sheltie had numerous lumps and bump most of them getting smaller. She needs two scoops a day to stay effective. I gave one scoop to my other sheltie. She doesn't have lumps but her pads on her feet are healing . This has been an issue for years. This is the most effective natural product I have ever purchased. Thank you.
Linda B.
Her lumps are getting smaller, thanks to Buddy Guard!
Christian B.
Bumps went away
Carolyn D.
My precious Gigi has been developing a couple of fatty tumors over the last few years. She just turned 11. I saw this product and bought it based on the reviews. After week 4 her tumors have changed in size and density. I’m excited to see what 3 months brings.
Julie H.
I give this to my Dachshund with her meal and she seems to like it as there is nothing left in bowl.
rebeckah s.
Shockingly it started working in about 3 weeks! Great product :)
Christy S.
My girl had a biopsy on a mass on her back. Came back non cancerous. I had her start taking this a week before. It’s been one month total and the mass has shrunk.
Marjorie C.
He is much better and does not lick his paws as much anymore.
Joy O.
Reduced the size of her bumps and gave her at 14 years young spurts of bounding energy. She was a12 lb maltese.
Kim D.
Our dogs lumps are getting smaller
Lisa S.
Large lumps on his hips are shrinking quickly!!!!!
Terri W.
Lumps and bumps started going down almost immediately.
Jackie B.
His lump is half the size and a lot softer
kim g.
Buddy had a large lump and once I started using the product it became softer and smaller. I’m very happy with the product. Bonus…Buddy likes the taste.
Jackie W.
Love this Amazing Product!!!
I’ve recommended this to friends who’ve had Great Success!!!
Madison M.
Lily loves her buddy guard. She refuses to eat her food without it.
Marcia S.
Bumps are not completely gone however they are softer and have gotten somewhat smaller
Joanne C.
Had lumps on belly, one on tail. Belly one gone. One on tail reduced 75%
Jodi K.
I saw an improvement in two weeks of lumps going down. The skin is drying up around the area and some are completely gone. Still has five to eliminate
D susan D.
Since I started to use this with my Dog Henri, the lump on his chest is gone. The one that is on his belly which was quite large shrunk to about the size of a quarter. Hoping that I will have the same results.
ken m.
Well I can't say that the " lumps" have disappeared, but they certainly have not gotten bigger. And possibly has prevented any more. Mojito just loves the taste in his breakfast and dinner.
mike b.
Wish I would have took pictures my dog had lump on side of neck bigger than a golf ball and 3 weeks later completely gone I ordered more and a couple guys I work with have since ordered after seeing the results
Jerry W.
My boxers lumps shrank or disappeared!
Terry S.
Vet said there was nothing he could do as "these types of dogs are prone to get these
types of fluid filled bumps."
Saw this add and wanted to try and do something to help with the marble size filled bump on a front foot that she kept licking. Within the time of use of 1/2 of the
containerthe bump is dry , hair is filling in and it is just a flat circle shape you see.
So grateful. Terry
Veronica P.
Our dog is 14 yrs old. For over 2 years he has had a fatty mass(Lypoma) on his side. It was originally the size of a small plum, then grew into a peach size mass. More time passed and then it was as large as an avocado and seemed hard. His vet has kept a watchful eye and measures it at every visit. Surgery is NOT an option due to age, anxiety and diabetes. Unfortunately I started your product after it was this large size. It seems to have softened the mass, it’s more jelly like instead of the hard as a rock feel. It has not cured this problem but I think it slowed the growth and softened it.
Kelly M.
Seeing a slight reduction after the first 45 days. Just purchase three month supply and giving to both dogs now.
Rebecca K.
My dogs bumps are decreasing and he seems to have more energy!
Deb C.
She has more energy and her lumps are getting smaller.
Lisa G.
She is a rescue and had a larger lump then the picture.I just didn’t think about a picture.Fast forward I add a little bit with here breakfast mixed well. I am a fan you should send me one free .I don’t see many people have photos.js
Please and thanks
Lisa G from Southern California
Stacy C.
My sweet little dog has two giant lipomas … they were starting to cripple her and cause her to limp . I did not take before pictures but I can tell you that she’s not limping anymore and the lipomas seem to be softer and smaller .
Lily S.
Got rid of her big lump in her abdomen that was filled with blood. Not cancerous, but still impeded her walking. This product is the only one that worked. I tried several before this with no improvement.
Norma B.
10 year old shih tzu was already energetic but much more now and fur is more silky smooth lol
Johnathan R.
I wish I would have taken photos! I was very skeptical of this product actually working. I have a cocker spaniel poodle mix and she had a very big growth coming out of her front shoulder. It grew very quickly and I thought I was gunna have to pay another $1000 to have it removed. I mean I could grip this lump with my whole hand it was so big. This growth would have been her second one she's delt with. Fortunately I found this product on Facebook and reading the reviews, I decided to give it a try. The first month I felt like it was still growing, but by the end of the second month I actually noticed it going down. I am now 2.5 months in and WOW, the lump is almost gone. I am sold on this product and have told all my friends and family about it. It really does work. Thank you so much petsmont!
Sandi B.
The lump in Willie’s neck has gotten smaller since he is on this product
Kevin W.
Works great. Lumos nearly all gone.
Alfred H.
My dog brownie just started on the powder and I’m hoping it takes some of her bumps and lumps down! She seems to like it in her food, which is a great sign!
Susan D.
Well lipoma is still there and maybe a little smaller but they do not interfere with her running and Marcie more active. She is 10’yrs old and hip arthritis on the left and old injury right acl (surgery 3 years ago ) So far we do not feel anymore lipomas and hope this powder keeps them away !
Kim W.
My mini dachshund had a huge lump on the back of her neck. Within 3 weeks of using your powder it is now just a little bump. So amazing. Thank you!
Katherine G.
The major bump on back is way down
Irving L.
The lipoma is shrinking
Kenneth R.
Works on almost all of them.
Amanda S.
Couldn’t believe it actually worked !
This old fella is just covered in lumps and bumps, and they were noticeably smaller in under two weeks!!! He seems to have a little more pep in his step these days too.
In two weeks they were all ready shrinking. That’s with having it in one meal a day!
Wanda C.
We've noticed a difference in the size of the fatty tumors. He also has some age related warts (he's 14), and we have not noticed any difference in those yet. But we've only been feeding this to him for about 1.5 months.
Erin H.
This product really helped with the lipomas he had all over his tummy!
Anita B.
Stella had a huge lump on the back of her neck. It is gone again. I stopped using it for a month and it came back. Using it regularly helps alot. She loves it!!!!
Josh G.
Our dog had a pretty large lipoma on his side that has grown in size recently. Within 2 weeks of using buddy guard we noticed that it started to decrease in size. I would say the lump has decreased by 50% in about 5 weeks. It seems to be working great, amazing!
Lynn V.
Still working and so much better! I paid for a vet visit so she could tell me that it was “ ugly but benign”. He has one on his back also. Both are shrinking. I’m a very happy dog Mom!
Shiho H.
My dog Mocha got a lot of bumps everywhere on her body.
But these are getting smaller since she took this supplement.
I’m so glad.
Marsha M.
It looks to be working as to shrinking their lumps. My furbabies have only been taking this for less than a month
Sandra K.
This did miracles for my dogs. Bumps gone and the squivering leg as well.
Stacey w.
Fatty lipomas improving!
Suzanne L.
We began giving our boy Buddy Guard about three weeks ago.....his bump is not gone yet, but it has not gotten any bigger. We are very optimistic! More to follow!
Susan D.
I've gone thru one can of Buddy Guard and have just started my second, for my cat who has some undiagnosed lumps, one in particular on the top of her head. She is 11 years old and also had been less playful as of late. I must say that the lump on her head is getting smaller and not as hard as it was. Her energy levels and mischievousness have increased as well. She is playing more with her younger siblings. I now add 1/2 a spoonful to their food prophylactically. I feel that the benefits of mushrooms to them (plus she eats their food too sometimes) immune-wise will help them in the future.
Raquel E.
She has fatty tumors and one with a stem. And what seems like growths in her bladder. She’s been more active and comfortable after the first few weeks of mushroom powder.
Caren D.
Brownie has a lump on the back of her neck. it is now much smaller than it was before using this product.
Vincent A.
It's keeping the lumps in check, for that I am satisfied. Wish you offered a sale to me once in awhile.
K E.
The bumps haven't gone, but because it gave her instant energy it is definitely working.
Jo A.
Last year, my 14 year old dog had several teeth removed. Because she was going to be under anesthesia, I had the vet remove about 18 bumps from her body, one of which was oozing and bleeding. She had already started getting new bumps 3 months later when I started giving her Buddy Guard. Although it didn't make the bumps go away, I haven't found any new bumps on her and the existing bumps have not grown any. I'm happy with the results.
Theresa J.
In 1 week it really did a great job decreasing and making some of his lumps disappear.
Worked and working real well.
Only thing I've noticed, since he's still taking the powder, he still has lumps appearing. So it doesn't keep them at bay. This is the reason for a 4 star instead of a 5.
Overall, he's had a major decrease on the amount of his lumps.
Lori E.
The lumps and bumps are definitely less prominant and some have disappeared. I give it to my dog daily in her food. She seems to like the taste ok because she has not stopped eating at her regular feedings! Thank you!
Rachel J.
Ever since my pup started taking this supplement his older man pimples- as I call them have gotten smaller, he also has a heart murmur due to his age and with this supplement and a few others his heart murmur level has not progressed at all in over 6 months, which is almost unheard of! We will continue to use this supplement for many years to come!
Karyn B.
I’m hoping this helps manage and improves my dogs health.
Tammy B.
we have 2 females that are older and have lumps and skin tags. While not all the bumps are completely gone we have seen significant reduction in the large bumps and most all the smaller ones are almost gone completely
Deb W.
This stuff really works, my dog has a fatty lump on this base of his tail and it is half the size it was.
Brigid K.
Bodhi has a lot more energy since starting to take Petsmont. He has a large lump near his front right elbow which has gotten considerably smaller! Will continue to with this product as it benefits Bodhi greatly!
Bob B.
lumps seem a bit smaller and softer.
Patricia M.
I have definitely seen a difference in the size of my dogs lumps and some of the smaller ones have disappeared.
Michael F.
Our 10-year-old toy poodle started to develop a little bumps on her skin that you could feel when you pet her. That call it a fatty deposit had one removed about a year ago. My wife saw the advertisement for bodyguard. Thought we would give it a try. After about three weeks, the bumps were gone. Our poodle is also a finicky eater and Loves the taste. It’s part of her daily diet.
Dawn D.
Riley is 14+ yrs old, a rescue, and has a large fatty tumor on her front leg. It looks as though it's not as tight on her leg as before. But more importantly she is much more perky when she walks. Prior to giving her this powder she was very slow walking. She actually has a pep in her step and our neighbors are even commenting on her improvement.
Robert C.
Lumps seem to be shrinking slowly. Need to give it more time.
Amber B.
I am blown away by how quickly this supported my old man with his lumps and bumps! The tiny ones disappeared while the larger are slowly decreasing. He was not off put by the new taste at all. He waits eagerly for his “sprinkles” on his dinner!
Terrell B.
Awesome product really does work
frank d.
No more scratching and clean paws. Only took a week to get results
Cathy J.
It took.a while but the bumps are getting smaller.
Barry F.
Dog seems to understand her pill relieves her pain & looks eager to receiving it daily
Diana M.
Have used for several months 18 yo dog. Great improvement in her lumps and bumps. Will always be giving this to her for as long as she is with me. Thank you,
Great product.!
Terrie R.
One of my dachshunds has several small lumps and one larger. I have noticed the larger one shrinking.
Damu M.
We definitely are BELIEVERS!
Mona K.
He is taking it. Bumps are still there but not growing.
D susan D.
I was skeptical. However, I use supplements myself and I decided to give it a try. My dog Henri and a lump on his front chest and one on his belly. The one on his belly was the larger of the two. The vet told me he did not think they were cancer because they were soft. However, by my dogs behavior I knew that they bothered him and when I saw the formula I felt a little bit better. The lump on his front chest is gone. The lump on his belly is greatly reduced. I am very pleased with the results.
Pam J.
Just started giving our dogs the powder so it’s too soon to tell but at least they like it enough to eat it.
Ginger B.
This lump was a baseball size before I started your product. Now it's half the size a going down. Love it.
Linda H.
Her lumps ha decreased drastically. This product works!! It’s your own fault if you don’t try.