Daniel C.
Things are going good, but it's taken longer. What I thought it was gonna take. So I'm still using the salmon oil and the in the powder on the food. Sometimes they don't like it. Sometimes they love it. This pens on their mood during the day, but they get it every day
Maria R.
My dogs love the taste but one is still itching and chewing so it hasn’t worked yet but we’ll going to continue using it to give her more time.
Rose Ann H.
Cooper is 12 years old and I was noticing lumps growing on his trunk and legs and his energy declining. While it has take a couple of months, the lumps are definitely shrinking and I am noticing his coat is much softer! I am very pleased with the positive changes taking place!
Diminished the lamb close to my dog eye
Braelyn W.
Noticed a difference after a weeks and super intrigued to see how it helps after a few months!
Tammy P.
My dogs love the taste! My hairy dog has allergies and was loosing her hair. It is growing back and she is chewing on herself much less than before.
Glenn R.
His lipomas are shrinking and becoming less noticeable
Peggy M.
She seems to love the salmon oil, licks the bowl clean with all her meds and supplements!
Amanda D.
Best Stuff EVER!!! Thank you for all you do for my pups!
Deborah R.
It works in conjunction with his food and other medications.
Gil M.
My boy had a bump on his wrist. Vets could not do anything about it, i told them about buddy guard and said its worth a shot. After 4 months his bump is almost completely gone.
Thank you! I will keep giving this to him for all the benefits it has.
Sydney P.
Haven’t noticed a difference yet but still hoping to see results
Beth R.
Her non-cancer lump/bumps have shrunk or disappeared in some cases. Had surgery 1 year ago on leg...biopsy came back cancer. Tumor has returned but growth is slow. We truly believe buddy guard has given us an extra year and counting with our sweet Stella!
Stefanie R.
Bruno is 8 and had a few lumps...they started to go down within weeks and they are mostly gone now! He is very active, hikes 2-4 miles a day!!
Amanda D.
Best products around! Thanks for all you do!
The lumps that she had, have not gotten bigger. We feel like a couple of her lumps have gotten smaller. But we’re only giving her the 1/8 tsp cuz she doesn’t get big portions. She’s kinda picky, so I can’t use the wild Alaskan salmon oil every day either. Which is crazy she loves fish flavors
Delia M.
My standard poodle has warts on her body and they decreased significantly. My labradoodle has 2 fat lumps, they did not disappear but they did not grow anymore, I hope that his fatty lumps will decrease as well.
Leah T.
So much energy! I haven’t noticed a difference in lump size yet but their energy and soft coat is wild!!
Peggy P.
Lump has decreased substantially
It's works very good on my pet that had the bump on his tail bone in so happy he doesn't have to keep bitting it anymore
Thankyou for a great product
Randy S.
Our catahoula mix has skin allergies and your product seems to be working.
Works amazing and totally gentle no side effects and I have picky sticky frenchies.
Valarie M.
My order lab has lots of energy. Thanks to your product. Bumps are gone.
Pam L.
The warts are shrinking but slowly, Sophie has 2 surgeries which only caused them to worsen, I’ve seen improvement and she’s on her second jar.
Candlelynn T.
One of his lumps has went down .
Emma P.
My 8 year old mix has many lumps and bumps, and a cauliflower ear from a spider bite gone wrong. After just about 6 weeks her newest bumps disappeared, her older ones are soft/shrinking and her cauliflower ear is becoming more pliable. Absolute miracle supplement!
Kim T.
My rescue had a golf ball size lump on his hip and after 6 weeks it has decreased to half its size. Still biting his legs so the salmon oil isn’t working yet.
Laura D.
Large bumps on back of head completely gone. Impressive. Our fur baby also appears to have more energy. Thank you!
Dianna H.
She has more energy than she's had for several years. The pain in her back legs is completely gone and so is the swelling.
Edmund W.
very good product
Heather C.
This stuff is amazing! My Debo had too many lipomas for the vet to count. Within a week they were shrinking and within 1 1/2 months most are gone except the golf ball size one on his chest but it is also shrinking. His coat is shiny and soft and he has SO MUCH ENERGY! He’s like a younger, happier boy!
Peggy P.
He has cancer as well. Fatty lipomas have almost gone away.
Gloria L.
We are on our first month and I am ordering more today. I have seen some reduction in the lumps, but not with the allergies (licking paws). Once I feel the photos will do justice in the comparison, I will post a picture of before we began and the picture showing more reduction. I want to use another month before doing comparison pictures.
Sharon H.
My dog had a lump on his inner back leg and one on top of right ear , the leg is completely gone and ear is barely visible
Joe B.
I use omega in the am when I feed my mastiff mix. He loves it and it keeps his skin and coat healthy!
Great stuff! In a few weeks we noticed the lumps and bumps are getting smaller!
Daniel M.
Helps one of my dogs lumps with the mushroom powder and helped another dogs skin issues with the salmon oil.
Tina M.
My dog Ceces bumps are getting smaller. Only been on it for a month.
chun ling s.
my dog loved it ! The small cyst on of my buddy's eye has gone. I 'm not sure if this because of the work of the buddy's powder since there also a fatty lump on his body that without change. I will keep feeding him and hope it will work too.
Rebecca D.
She was sneezing a lot, but now she is just enjoying life.
Joe B.
Buddy guard has worked to reduce the growth of lipoma in my labrador. I highly recommend it. I also use the salmon oil to help support my dogs skin and coat. These are great products and part of a healthy routine.
Isabel A.
The Lumps have decreased in size since using the buddy guard. I am happy with the results. The Omega Love has made my dogs coats super soft and manageable. I have two long hair & two short hair pups. They do not shed as much. The groomer has commented on the change in their coats. They all love the taste!
Irma N.
I regret not taking a picture before I started using this wonderful product. Her fatty lump was shrinking fast. Unfortunately she had to get surgery 2 weeks ago because as it was shrinking it got soft and our other dog playing around puncture it. So we had to drain it and eventually get stitches.
Lisa S.
I could not believe that my dog’s lumps became noticeably smaller in 1 month.
Also he is picky about anything added to his food but seems to like the mushroom power.
Kay P.
My girl has only been taking Buddy Guard for a couple of weeks. My Pit is about 8 years old and I am seeing early signs of her aging. In the past six months she has developed a very large lump on her lower side which has increased in size and firmness the last few months which is why I decided to try Buddy Guard. I have noticed a big change in the lump since starting Buddy Guard. Even with taking it only a few weeks, not only is the lump about half the size it was but it also feels soft and squishy. I am hopeful it will completely disappear!
Missy M.
My dogs love these products. We have two Australian Red Heelers, the oldest will be 11 this year and the powder has helped decrease her fatty tumor under front leg, and the oil gives them both energy. Thank you!!
Juliette J.
Edmund W.
My 7 year old Chocolate Lab has a lump on her right side and the vet said it would cost about $4,000.00 to remove.
I have been using this now for about 3 months and it's going down to half it size. I'm also using the fish oil with they're food in every meal and the fur looks super.
Leslie L.
It is still too early to be sure, but I think her bumps are shrinking and she is licking her paws significantly less.
chun ling s.
The salmon oil looks good, no sure the result for the mushroom powder yet. But the main reason that I bought again because of Buddy like it.
Margaret S
My little Papillon has skin issues and can only eat a specific dog food; even then she chews her feet. The Samon oil has significantly reduced the foot chewing! She likes the way it tastes....so I recommend this!
Anna Wilson
Has stopped my dog's itching and chewing greatly. My dog's bald chest is starting to fill in and his coat looks amazing and are soft.
Bryan H
I know that dog's pretty much eat about anything.; Hey the chew areas and lick things that are gross. But I have had issues before when they didn't like fish oil from other sources. They had no issue diving into their food when I pumped this stuff into their food. Even dry food!
Michael M
I give this to all four of my dogs and absolutely love the results!
Winston, my youngest had severe skin allergies that would cause him so much discomfort that he would literally scratch himself bloody. The Vet had him on Apoquel and the side effects were extreme.
He had become vicious and violent. His sister Charlie lou was suffering from persistent hotspots and was constantly chewing on her skin.
So I did some research and found this product and for the cost of Apoquel in a month I am able to buy two 32 oz bottles for a few dollars less and am able to treat all four of my babies.
Winston no longer scratches himself bloody and Charlie lou no longer has hotspots. These results were very noticeable within two weeks time.
Lucia and Duncan went from struggling to poop out dry and unhealthy bowel movements to nice and healthy poops. So happy with the results. I recommend this for all dogs and cats!
Denice A
My dogs for the last ten years have had severe sensitive skin with one dog chewing his legs raw. They both have been under a vet's care and have been on a dozen different medications and ointments with no relief. Three days after giving them the salmon oil they no longer are scratching or chewing on themselves. I love this product and my dogs are now comfortable in their skins for the first time in their lives. Thank you for a wonderful product.
Roger M
Used it for my dog who scratches and chews on herself
Becky H
This has really helped my dog. My dog has battled skin issues (itchiness, redness, yeast and bacterial infections) since he was 4 months old. We had been trying antihistamines, allergy injections, even a prescription diet and none of those worked. I have seen great improvement in both his coat and skin condition since we began with this product - spots where he used to chew hair off have growth again and he is not itching near as much. He hasn't had another infection since he began and his skin finally looks like it's properly healing.
I wasn't expecting much since I had bought oils before. But for some reason, this one really did help my dogs. One of my dogs is very sensitive to any irritant and had thinned his coat out from always scratching or chewing even when I couldn't find anything or after bathing. I was afraid his coat wouldn't grow back because we have fought it for years. But sure enough, after about 2 months of daily use, his coat is now full and thick. She is still very sensitive, but we catch it early and always check her...and treat with anti-itch if we can't find a reason. The Salmon Oil has really made a difference in the quality of her coat...nice and shiney. My other dog has dry skin, and the oil has helped with that as well. They both seem to enjoy the taste....never a problem from the beginning.
This product has been wonderful for my dog! His skin gets really dry in the winter but by adding the recommended amount to his food daily, he’s stopped scratching and chewing and his coat is nice and shiny!
Unfortunately the flavor is so awesome, my dog chewed the nozzle head
Christina A
I love that this oil is in a pump as opposed to me cutting up the pills to put this oil on my dogs' food. Some of my dogs have allergy problems and scratch and chew at themselves till they have bald patches in their coat. I have been using this for about a month now and no more scratching or chewing and the hair is growing back on them. Altogether a wonderful product.
Carol W
My dog was chewing himself like crazy, I noticed a week after using it that hes not chewing himself any more. I've been giving it to my other dogs and cat. Bought a small bottle to find out if it works, as soon as this is finished, I'll buy a bigger bottle.
Susan Karol
I use the salmon oil for my 14 yr old dog who has been chewing himself because of dry skin, I believe, or allergies.
His coat looked horrible and he had lots of flaky skin, dandruff. He's been taking it for a couple weeks and it seems to have helped some. I'm hoping in the next couple weeks to come, I see more improvement. I plan on buying more. It's good for them!!! It won't hurt them.
This is my second bottle and I have notice that my dog does not itch or chew on his feet like he did before. Very happy with the product.
Ami L
I bought this originally for my 7 year old lab who has skin issues and chews himself in the hot summer months. Benedryl never helped him. Ive bought this 3 times already, and he's stopped chewing and his coat is gorgeous! He loves the taste too. I highly recommend if your dog has dry skin and joint inflammation. It works wonders and is a better alternative to pills and creams! Use it! You will not be disappointed!
Dr Mary
One of my dogs was chewing himself a lot, making sores. Tried this, and he stopped. All dogs’ coats got noticeably shinier. All 3 dogs eat it up. More affordable than others I’ve used.
Heidi S
Bought due to my husband's cousin's love for this product.
Our dogs scratch continuously and he said after a couple weeks of using they no longer scratch so I had to buy and try!
Mine also chewed and had bald spots.
Im so glad I ordered!
Worked for my mine also!
Wonderful product!
I have been buying this for my dog for about 2 years now and I love it! It makes her coat shinier, she doesn’t have dry skin, or dry nails. She stopped constantly licking/chewing on her paws after using this. A few months ago, I had to tighten my budget and wasn’t able to buy more. I started noticing dry, flaky skin, her nails became brittle and cracked, and she started licking/chewing on her nails. I ordered more last week and I’m already noticing the difference! Would highly recommend!
My dogs absolutely love this oil. I originally purchased it for her skin and hair. She had really dry skin and had some hair that was falling out from chewing on herself. It worked within the first week of use. She has grown all of her hair back and her coat is super shiny and smooth.
Kathleen H
My boy has horrible, late summer/early fall allergies! He chews his little feet until the have no hair left and they’re bright pink. As if that isn’t bad enough, this year his back has such dry skin and itches so bad, when you’d touch him, his skin would jump!
I received this Salmon Oil last Monday after work. Started the next morning putting in his food every morning. Today, only one week later, he has no itchy back and he’s leaving his poor feet alone. The cat is getting it on his food as well. This house will never be without this salmon oil!
Arielle P
My dog used to chew his paws all day and night. It was impossible to get him to stop and it seemed to stress him out. Benadryl would knock him out eventually or he wouldn't stop. Now he barely licks his paws. It's been maybe 2 weeks? I started him on half a dose at first but he loved and tolerated it, so he's on a full pump daily. I'm super glad I committed to this and wish I had started earlier.
I have a 3 year old male Saint Bernard German Shepherd mix. He is easily 100lbs. His coat during the winter times gets really dry and flaky and he was scratching and chewing like crazy leaving bald spots and red sores. I started using this salmon oil and just pumped it into his dry food and in a month his itching and chewing has about 98% stopped. I'm excited to see what 2 months of this oil will do for him. This oil doesn't smell weird and very easy and mess free. My dog just eats his food like normal. But if you have a dog that has dry skin that is chewing I would definitely recommend trying this because it has worked wonders for my dog.
Brittany S
I have been wanting to get salmon oil for my 12 year old pup for quite sometime. Lately, it's been difficult to get him to eat his food and thought about switching to canned food or a senior dog food. I did some research and settled on this oil as a supplement to his current diet and I'm so glad I did! He is eating again and I don't know if it's just a coincidence, but his skin is starting to look a lot better and he's not chewing on himself like he used to. His gums are also not inflamed (which is part of why I think he wasn't eating much).
I waited to do this review to see how it affected my dog. It's been 2 months and he is doing much better with his itching. I pumped once in his breakfast and dinner, at the beginning which I think was needed since he needed relief fast, however, I reduced it to 1 pump in the am because it was giving him the runs at night.
We noticed a difference 24 hours in but not dramatic on his first day.We were just happy he wasn't chewing his leg off! I decided to buy only grain free food and treats, which helped much more.
Good product and I recommend.
Valerie M
I have two pups. One has sensitive skin, he constantly licks his feet and is 8 years old. The other is 4 years old... she has been struggling with recurring bacterial skin infections, hot spots, itching, chewing and hair loss (so itchy that she would flinch when you pet her back). I’ve tried numerous anti itch shampoos and sprays. Nothing has relieved their symptoms for more than a day or two. And I feel that over use of vet prescribed antibiotics is not a good idea. Our vet recommended that we try to supplement with salmon oil... heal front the inside out in a way. I followed the directions on the bottle and have been adding it to their regular food twice a day for a few weeks now. Both pups are showing improvement!! Their skin is a lot less itchy and both are licking/Chewing less. The sores/hot spots from my younger pup’s bacterial infection are healing as well! It may take a while to show improvement when you begin using salmon oil but have patience. It definitely works!
Our dog was shedding real bad year round. He also was scratching and chewing on his feet. The vet said it was an allergy and to put him on allergy pills but they only helped a little. I decided to try this Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil and boy did it make a difference. No more excessive shedding, scratching and chewing and no more allergy pills. He also has bad arthritis and the Omega 3 fatty acids should help with that. Since he takes another supplement and a RX for the arthritis it's hard to say if it's making a difference for the arthritis but it can't hurt. Toby loves the flavor too. His coat looks as good if not better than when he was young.
Marie Vee
My dogs have special needs-- One is a rescue who has demodectic mange that she acquired as a puppy, and the other is a neurotic mini Aussie who is on anxiety meds despite having daily walks and a yard to patrol at will. He chews his fur down to the skin because he is allergic to nearly everything. The food that they eat has limited ingredients because of the allergies, and while it doesn't make him as itchy, it has also caused his fur and her skin to be dry. This salmon oil is the solution-- they LOVE it and will lick their bowls to make sure they have every drop. And they aren't dry and itchy anymore!
Marta Mac
I have 2 english bulldogs both under a year old. My chocolate tri has always been itchy even tho on a very expensive fresh cooked food diet and my lilac tri merle his coat has always been a little more coarse probably cause of his coloring. Anyways it’s only been a week and I haven’t seen my girl chewing her paws anymore and my boys fur is already feeling way softer !!! So far very happy!!!
Sarah K
I have 3 big dogs. All over 75 pounds. They have a little trouble taking 3 pumps which is recommended for their weight. Gives them tummy turmoil (to be polite). 2 pumps is perfect for them though. I just shake well and apply 2 pumps to their dinner and voila! They are fuller after eating which has caused them to come down to a healthier weight, they don't lick, chew, or scratch all the time, and they LOVE the taste.
Tim S
I only give him about 1 pump of oil per day (less than they recommend) but that was plenty to fix his dry skin and dandruff problems. He is a dog with quite coarse hair and I noticed his fur was much glossier and softer after using it for a while. It also helped his "hot spots" where they lick/chew at one spot of the skin and give themselves a rash.
All in all this was a very easy solution to a few problems my dog was having, so it gets 10/10 from me and the dog seems to enjoy it too.
I think it’s helping with my dogs “bumps”
I bought this product to support my dog who is 15 years old and has some lumps. I have been adding it to her food and she seems to be gaining a good immune support and energy to jump around like before. Hope this gives her a better life quality and maybe a few more years of life.
I noticed a lump on the stomach of our feline furboy, Ziggy. The vet said it was about the size of a pecan. We had bloodwork done to rule out obvious cancer, but didn't want to put him under the stress of exploratory surgery since he is 17 & has a heart murmur. Doing research I came across the Mushroom Immune Gold & it looked promising. We've used other products from Petsmont with great results. It has been about 2 months since we've been giving it to him & the lump is getting smaller. I mix it with a powdered probiotic greens from a different company so that helps with masking the taste I think. We have to give it to him in an eyedropper, so it helps having two people.
I purchased these for my senior dog. We found out a couple of months ago she has Lymphoma. We had a mass removed, but wanted to do everything else in our power to keep her around as long as possible. As she is a senior and money is tight, chemo wasn't an option. We have been putting this in her food at night along with some other holistic supplements and we have seen a drastic improvement! No new visible spots and even some existing lumps have shrunk!
Zoey M
So my picky as can be dog #comettheamazing, absolutely loves this stuff! He is almost 100 pounds spoiled rescue and I noticed he was getting lumps on his stomach. I purchased this and within one week of a teaspoon a day to start (didn’t come with a scoop but no worries) the big quarter sized lump almost gone. I have noticed much less shedding as well and he is calmer during the day. Can’t make this up. We will always use this from now on. Comet runs to eat or whines now to have this. I mix it with a little warm water and he licks the bowl clean looking for more. This is a dog who won’t eat 90% of the treats out there or majority of foods so we are a happy dog home now!
Nick S
My dog is 14 years old and has extremely large lumps on her side which has made is very difficult to walk. This product has not only allowed her to be more mobile, it also has gotten her to eat more regularly.
I started giving this to my 9 year old dog Sadie after I found a lump behind her front leg. She has had no issues taking the powder I usually just put them in her food. The lump has shrunk, I give the blend everyday.
Maria Wozniak
****Update: It is now 2023 and we are still using this brand of turkey tail mushroom. Our dog is still with us, and has not had any further high grade mast cell tumors return since 2021. We were recently told our dog is a miracle dog and to continue doing whatever we are doing because it is working! The small bumps on her skin are low grade mast cell tumors, but we just have them removed. Not a big deal. No internal tumors. Hooray for four leaf rover!!
We bought this to help one of our dogs who has cancer, but it has also been helping our other dog who has moderate to severe allergies as well. We have seen the most improvement in our dog with allergies almost immediately, within a couple days of giving this to him. He has become more active, his constant licking has stopped, his hot spots has disappeared, and he isn't sleeping all day anymore. As far as our dog with cancer, she has little bumps on her body, and most of them have gone away, and the ones she still has are getting smaller. She still acts as if she is feeling well. So we bought this as a supplement for her. We just had her large tumor removed and she was just recently diagnosed. We were told told buy turkey tail from a friend and we are so glad we did! The results have been AMAZING!! I read the reviews on this brand and we just got our second order of it. It really works!! Nothing we were doing for our dogs allergies was working, not even prescriptions. Turkey tail mushroom works! It is a powder, so we mix it with a little greek yogurt and give it to our dogs that way. They love it!
This has helped my little man sooo much. He had many lumps and bumps over his body and within 2 weeks of using this product, many have begun to shrink. He used to limp some from joint pain, but he now gets a rip and much better. It’s like he’s back to his younger self. I will definitely recommend this product and will keep giving it to my Buddy. 5 stars all the way!!
Kathy Jo
Love love love this for our 11 year old dog. She has her fair share of lumps and bumps but now on our second jar and have seen great results. Lumps are a bit smaller in size, her coat has incredible shine and her energy level is up. She has trimmed down as well to a very healthy weight. It’s a must have!
Joe S.
I have a senior dog who started getting lipomas on his chest. One of them grew to the size of a softball and we had to get it removed. I started giving him this supplement about a month before his surgery, and I’ve continued to give it to him afterwards. I’m hoping that this will help prevent his other lumps from growing and prevent new lumps from forming. I sprinkle it over his food and mix it in with some salmon oil and he absolutely loves it. There have been no side effects, but I won’t know if it helps with the lipoma issue until more time has passed.
I started giving it to my other two dogs hoping that they won’t develop any lipomas at all, and maybe we can avoid cancer as well.
Crystalline Healer
I have a 4 yr old dog that I'm raising holistically so immune support is something that I take seriously! Previously, I've had her on a product that only contained 1 mushroom and I wanted to switch it up so I figured I'd try this one. Very happy with the price, the spectrum of mushrooms and the dose. I read a review about it diminishing little "cysts/bumps/pimple things" - which my pup has been known to get (vet says they're fine and most likely sebaceous cyst) - so I chose this one.
Christina W
Seems to be helping my 8 year old dog. So before ordering it, I noticed two lumps (neck and hip) and a couple weeks of using it, they seem to be disappearing.
Helped my 13 year old dog with a lump on his ribs that started to shrink. Will continue to buy this!
Our senior dog, Ella, had a large, raised bump on her hind leg that appeared just after Christmas. It was very red and obvious, and she wouldn't leave it alone. We took her into the vet 1/4/23 and they did some bloodwork to determine it was likely a mast cell tumor. They scheduled for her to have it removed today, 1/20/23. Following that 1/4 appointment, I began doing research on mast cell tumors on YouTube when an advertisement for the Petsmont Immune Support showed up before one of the videos. I'll be honest, I was extremely skeptical and almost skipped the ad, but nevertheless was intrigued by the claims regarding Turkey Tail mushroom and began to research. I found that there is a lot of evidence to support these claims and then searched for the best deal. I came across other products in my search, but the reviews on those other products weren't impressive. Ella is also very picky and if she doesn't like the taste of something, she won't eat it. What ultimately made me choose Petsmont was the fact that a lot of dogs in the reviews seemed to like the taste, I liked that it incorporated other mushrooms in the mix and was backed by a board of vets. For the record, there have been no messes, Ella has enjoyed her food just as much as before, and the best part? Her tumor is completely gone! We brought her to the vet and they checked, even shaving the area. We couldn't find it either before the appointment, but were shocked that they couldn't. They sent her home with us saying 'we'll call it a blessing for now!' and told us to keep an eye on the area. I'd say avoiding a multi-hundred dollar surgery bill made this a great deal, but the greatest deal is ultimately our pet's health. Rest assured, as soon as I'm done writing this review, I'll be buying more!
After using this product for several weeks, I've noticed an improvement in my dog's overall well being. He was limping a bit after getting exercise and now doesn't seem to have the pain. I also noticed his fatty lumps reducing in size. Great product.
My dog doesn’t seem to notice it if I put it in a treat or in her food and the lump on her back has seemed to stop growing!