Dogs are naturally active and curious creatures. Going for a daily walk with your dog can be therapeutic for you and your dog for a number of reasons. Before hooking on their leash and heading out the door there are a few things all dog owners should know about walking their dog before going out.
For instance, there are certain leashes and dog harness that you should and shouldn’t use when walking your dog. There are also certain supplies you should take along with you when walking your dog, just to name a few things that dog owners should be aware of when planning on taking their dog for a walk around the park, for a run, or even for a hike.
Use the Right Leash

Many dog owners aren’t aware that there’s a right and wrong leash to use for walking their dog. If you have a larger breed of dog that tends to pull when you go for a walk you might want to reconsider the type of leash you’re using. If you are using just their regular collar and a leash, or a back clip harness, you will want to consider investing in a front clip harness for walking.
A front-clip harness is just as the name implies - a harness that the leash clips onto in the front at the dog’s chest rather than in the back between their shoulder blades. Using a front clip harness rather than a back clip harness or just a regular collar allows you to have more control over them while walking without causing them any pain or distress in the process.
There are many websites that talk about dog walking for beginners but not all will suggest using a front clip harness. Often you will see them simply suggesting a harness in general, or even endorsing a retractable leash. The best way to maintain control of your dog while walking is to use a front clip harness, Especially if your dog is medium size to large, and very capable of taking you for a walk rather than the other way around.
Stay In Control of the Walk

Staying in control of your walk with your dog is important, and begins with using the right type of harness to better control their movements. Staying in control of your walk with your dog also includes managing distractions the right way.
As your dog’s owner, it’s up to you to stay one step ahead by always being aware of your environment while walking your dog. The proper way to walk your dog and manage distractions it to take note of any potential disruptions such as birds, a cat, another dog, or even another person.
By spotting these distractions before your dog does you can take control of the situation before your dog even knows about the distraction. One of the more effective tactics you can use to manage distractions while walking is to have them sit and focus on you while the distraction makes it way by. It will probably help you to keep one of your dog’s favorite treats available in your pocket so that you can easily hold their attention.
As a side note on the topic of maintaining control while walking your dog, it’s also important to know that there is such a thing as too much control. Dogs are curious creatures by nature and will enjoy stopping to smell the flowers. You’ll need to learn to be patient with them while they indulge in this natural habit they have, and not pull them to keep them moving at all times.
Bring the Right Supplies

You may not have even considered bringing anything with you while taking your dog for a walk around the park or around your neighborhood. Some of the more important supplies to have handy with you while you walk a pet dogs are water for them and poop bags.
Depending on the weather and how hot it is outside, water might be more important some times more than others. Dogs can easily become overheated after long walks in the summer heat. Having water on hand to help keep them well hydrated is important.
Poop bags are also an important supply to always have on hand when walking your dog. This part is an important thing to know about walking your dog that reflects on you as a dog owner. It’s common courtesy to pick up after your dog, never leaving a trace of you and your dog’s presence.
Walking your dog daily should be an enjoyable experience for both you and your pooch. This is why it’s so important to be aware of best dog walking practices before heading out the door. All dog owners should be aware of where they should walk their dog and what supplies to always have on hand when out walking.
Most importantly, all dog owners who take their dog for a walk should always be vigilant about the environment around them and be prepared to intervene when potential distractions to the dog arise. Walking your dog regularly brings so many benefits to you and your dog, as well as your relationship with each other. The bond that you have with your dog will only continue to grow stronger with each walk you take together.