Tips for Improving the Cockatoo Lifespan

There are many people who want to own a cockatoo. In fact, it's one of the most common birds for families. If you plan to get a cockatoo or if you already have one, you might be wondering how you can improve their lifespan.

The first thing to note is there are many factors that affect a cockatoo’s lifespan. The amount of exercise they get, what they eat, how much they sleep, and how much they get out of their cage are all factors that can affect lifespan.

With this being said, there are some tips given here today that can help you to improve parrot lifespan or cockatoo bird lifespan. 

Diet Matters

One of the first things to mention in regard to improving cockatoo lifespan is that diet matters. What are you currently feeding your cockatoo? If you don’t have a cockatoo yet, what are you planning to feed them? This does make a difference in the health of your cockatoo bird. Whether you have a white cockatoo or any other type of cockatoo, it is important to know what you should feed them.

You might think you are feeding your cockatoo the right foods. However, you may not realize how unhealthy some of the foods you give your cockatoo really are. For instance, do you give your cockatoo crackers throughout the day, every day?

While crackers can be a nice treat every now and again, if your cockatoo is having them too much this could be a problem. It is important that your bird is eating all the right foods. 

Your cockatoo’s diet needs to be balanced well. If you are currently putting some seeds into your cockatoo’s bowl in the morning and the evening, this could be too much.

This is especially true if you are only giving them seeds or if you are giving them more seeds than fresh foods. Cockatoos need to have vegetables and fruits in their daily diet. 

Some cockatoo owners share their food with their bird. If you are sharing your french fries, pop, or chips with your bird, this could be unhealthy for them. However, if you stop doing this and start giving your cockatoo bird the vegetables and fruits they need, it could help keep them healthy and improve their lifespan

If needed, you can always check with your bird’s veterinarian to find out exactly what you should be feeding them. Depending on your cockatoo’s age and current health, you may need to give them a more specific diet. More than likely, this will include things like fresh lettuce, kale, blueberries, carrots, and other fruits and vegetables. 

Getting Enough Exercise

If you want to improve your cockatoo’s lifespan, you should make sure your bird is getting enough exercise. Just like humans, it is important that your cockatoo bird is moving around throughout the day, every day. You should be having your bird come out of their cage for at least 3 hours every day. Some birds need out of their cage even more than this. 

Being out of the cage allows your cockatoo bird to get more exercise. They can fly around and walk on the floor. They can play around on their perches, as well. If you don’t already have one, it would be a good idea to get your cockatoo bird a ladder and ropes to climb on. This can get your bird moving around even more. 

Wing flapping is another great way for your cockatoo bird to get more exercise. You can encourage wing flapping by training your bird to lift and flap their wings on command. Many bird owners will place their arms like a bird and flap their arms up and down. If you do this regularly, your cockatoo bird will likely mimic what you are doing, just like they like to mimic words they hear. 

In addition to the above-mentioned exercises, it is a great idea to have toys and swings in your cockatoo’s cage. This way, even when they aren’t out of their cage, they can still get some exercise. Many cockatoo’s love swinging. They also like foraging toys, as well. These types of toys will allow your cockatoo to work for their snacks. Not only will they be getting healthy food, but they will be exercising in the process. 

If you aren’t already doing these things for your cockatoo, you can start making a plan for your cockatoo to get more exercise today. 

More Social Interactions

It is also very important to make sure your cockatoo bird is getting enough social interaction every day. Birds are intelligent and they need social interaction just like humans do. Think about how you feel when you aren’t around your family or friends much. You probably feel a bit lonely. Birds are the same way.

They like to screech, whistle, jabber, and talk to their owners and even to other birds. If you have a cockatoo bird or you plan to get one, be sure you plan out social interaction time for them every day. This could include you sitting by your bird and talking to them.

It could include getting them out of their cage and having them spend time with other birds that you have. It could also mean you taking the time to scratch your bird’s head. The more social interaction your cockatoo has, the better.


There are many ways that you can improve your cockatoo’s lifespan. The best way to do this is to give them a balanced diet, getting them to exercise more, and making sure they get enough socialization. 

How long do parrots live?

Before you get a parrot, you might want to know how long they will live. While there isn’t a guarantee for how long any animal will live, the average lifespan for parrots is between 5 to 75 years. Honestly, it depends on the type of parrot you have. However, if you follow the tips mentioned above, you can help to improve your parrot’s lifespan.

How much is a cockatoo?

If you are looking into getting a cockatoo, you can expect to pay between $500 and $1,200 - if you are getting one from a breeder. The cost varies because of the breeder, species of bird you get, color of the bird, and some other factors. Some species can be $3,000 or more. Some species might be as low as $50.

How long do cockatoos live?

Most cockatoos will live between 40 and 70 years. However, there have been some cockatoos that lived to be nearly 100 years. There are many factors that affect the lifespan of cockatoos.

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Written by Leo Roux

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