This fluffy and playful Russian-born cat is one of the few breeds of feline that we have discovered that we can call “hypoallergenic”.
Aside from their majestic mane of fur and loving demeanor, the Siberian cat’s greatest claim to fame is their lack of allergen causing agents. This is one of the many reasons why they're great cats for allergy sufferers.
There are numerous cat lovers out there who have unfortunately been born with allergies that are stirred up when they are close to felines. Thankfully for this unlucky population, unlike non-shedding cats, Siberian cats are a special breed that does not trigger allergic reactions in some individuals even if they're known for shedding a lot.
What Causes Allergies to Cats?
There are a number of factors that go into what causes a human to have allergic reactions to felines. These factors range from the dander or dead skin a cat sheds, a unique protein in their saliva that is produced naturally, or even sometimes their urine.
All of these things can be reasons why a person sneezes uncontrollably or becomes very itchy when they’re around a cat for too long. 90% of the time when a person has an allergic reaction to a cat the cause is the cat's saliva and/or dander. Although in many cases it's a combination of the two. A cat’s dander is often just a carrier of the allergy-provoking protein that’s found in a cat’s salvia.
When you pet a cat you are coming in contact with both the saliva remnants and their dander. This means it might just be safe to say you are just allergic to cats in general rather than trying to differentiate what exactly about the cat is causing the reaction. A person doesn’t even need to come in direct contact with the feline to have a reaction. This saliva protein and dander can travel via the pet owners’ clothes or belongings.
Siberian Cats and Allergies
It’s ironic that the cat that is known for excessive shedding habits, is also famous for its hypoallergenic qualities. These allergy-free cats are often adopted by those who love cats but cannot usually stand being in the same room as one for more than an hour because of cat allergies.
The friendly Siberian cats are considered to be hypoallergenic due to a genetic trait that they possess. This trait causes them to produce less of a certain protein that is secreted in their saliva. Studies have shown us that Siberian cats produce significantly less of this allergy-causing protein. Meaning, to some they might not be 100% hypoallergenic.
Siberian cat Hygiene to Lower Allergen Levels
Part of cat care is keeping your Siberian cat well-groomed will also help to prevent allergies and lower any levels of dander and proteins floating around your home. Grooming practices that would greatly benefit you and your Siberian cat include brushing them often as well as bathing them on a regular basis, such as one everyone 1-2 months.
Brush Them Regularly
Caring for your cat is not always a walk in the park. Your Siberian cat will thank you after each pampering session that involves brushing their voluptuous fur coat. This will help to prevent any free-floating dander from wandering through your home and potentially triggering your allergies.
Bathe Your Cat
Giving your cat a bath is probably one of the last things you would want to do, knowing how much cats typically hate being in the water. If you adopt your Siberian cat while they are still rather young you might be able to start bathing them early on in their life, leading to them actually enjoying the routine after some time. If you choose to bathe your Siberian cat once a month, do be mindful that hypothermia is a real problem with cats. You will need to have the temperature in the room warm and have towels ready to help dry them off immediately after bathing.
How To Keep Your Home Allergy-Free with Your Siberian Cat
There are a few great ways to keep allergen levels even lower when you own a hypoallergenic Siberian cat. As previously stated, Siberian cats often still have a minuscule level of allergy-triggering proteins in their saliva. If you have allergies that are incredibly sensitive to cats, here are a few easy things you can do around your home to even further prevent occurrences of cat allergies when you own a Siberian cat.
Do Laundry Often
By washing your clothes regularly you will help to prevent any build-up of possible proteins or dander that your Siberian cat has produced. By keeping up with laundry and eliminating any stray proteins, you will help keep your home hypoallergenic for you and your Siberian cat.
Wash Your Hands
Washing your hands regularly is already a good habit to have, but when you own a Siberian cat and have allergies, it is an even more important practice. Being mindful of washing your hands after interacting with your Siberian cat will help to prevent the spread of any small amounts of proteins that they may have produced that could trigger your allergies.
Adopting a Siberian cat if you are a sufferer of cat allergies may be one of the best routes to take if having a feline companion is something that your heart is set on. Siberian cats are known for their extremely low levels of allergy-triggering proteins in their saliva. Making them perfect for allergy sufferers who are willing to do what they can in their home to even further reduce any levels of allergens.
Are Siberian cats really hypoallergenic?
How hypoallergenic are Siberian cats?
How much is a hypoallergenic Siberian cat?
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