Pros and Cons of Using an Electric Pet Water Bowl

Are you wondering what products are best for your pet? Maybe you think that your pet needs a bunch of toys. You might want to make sure that you are getting your pet the healthiest food. These are all good ideas. However, you might also want to think about how you are going to serve your pet their water. If you have ever heard of an electric pet water bowl, this might be something that you want to get for your pet. 

Normally, you might want to know about the benefits of getting a certain product first. However, it might be best to know why your pet cat might not want to drink from a spill-proof water bowl for pets. 

Reasons Why Pets Might Not Like Drinking from an Electric Pet Water Bowl

If you are thinking about getting a spill-proof water bowl for pets, you might first want to know why your pet may not like this idea. Some of the reasons why pets might not like drinking from an electric pet water bowl include the following:

  • Lower bowl. Some of the electric pet water bowls are very low. Your pet might have to bend their neck very low to drink out of it. This can be quite uncomfortable. If you think this could be a problem for your pet, you can put the water bowl on a platform. 
  • Bad position - If you put the cooling pet water bowl near a corner, your pet might not like to drink out of it. On the other hand, your pet might not like drinking from the water bowl if it is out in the open. Depending on your pet’s personality, you can just change where you put the bowl. 
  • Not having fresh water - With an electric pet water bowl, the water isn’t replaced as often. Your pet might not like the fact that they don’t have fresh water. 
  • Warm water - With this type of water bowl,  the water sits for longer. This causes the water to get warm. Your pet might not like to drink warm water. If this is the case, you still might have to replace the water often with colder water. You could also get a cooling pet water bowl that keeps the water cool for longer. 
  • Don’t like the change - If you have been using a regular bowl for your pet’s water for a long time, they might not like the change to an electric pet water bowl. 

These are some of the reasons why your pet might not like to use a pet tech water bowl. With this being said, there are also many reasons why getting an electric pet water bowl is a good idea. 

Pros of Using an Electric Pet Water Bowl 

There are so many reasons why you might want to get an electric pet water bowl for your dog or cat. Some of the most common reasons why pet owners choose to get this type of water bowl include the following:

  • Holds more water - Generally, a pet tech water bowl will hold more water than a regular bowl. This means that you won’t have to fill the bowl as often. If you have to work a lot during the summer, this could be beneficial when your pet is left home alone. 
  • Changing the speed - Depending on which cooling pet water bowl you get, you could potentially change the speed that the water comes out. Some water fountain bowls have slow speeds to higher speeds. 
  • Filters out the dirt - There are many cooling pet water bowl options that will filter out the dirt. This means that your pet will be drinking clean, fresh water.
  • Water that moves - Many pets are intrigued by moving water. If you get a water fountain, the water will be moving and your pet might be more likely to drink. 

These are some of the many reasons why you might want to get an electric pet water bowl for your cat or dog. There are a few downsides to getting this type of water bowl for your pet, as well. 

Cons of Using an Electric Pet Water Bowl

In addition to the benefits of using an electric pet water bowl, you might also want to know a few of the downsides of getting this type of bowl for your pet. Some of the downsides include the following:

  • Costs more - If you are on a budget, it is important to know that this type of bowl will usually cost more than a typical pet water bowl.  In addition to the purchase of the electric pet water bowl, if you have a certain type of electric bowl, you may also need to get a new filter for it regularly. 
  • Electric outlets - Many kitchens don’t have lower outlets. If this is the case, you will need to install an outlet lower in your kitchen or find a different place to put the electric water bowl. 

These might be some of the downsides that you have if you choose to get an electric pet water bowl. 


Depending on the preferences of your pet, the water bowl that you get for them is important. If you don’t have the right type of water bowl, your pet might not drink as much water as they should be. This could lead to dehydration and other health issues. On the other hand, your pet might like using an electric pet water bowl much more than the average water bowl. 

Are heated pet water bowls safe?

If you have a pet, you might be concerned about their safety. If you get a heated pet water bowl for your pet, just make sure it has a water-resistant and chew-resistant cord.

How to clean pet water bowl?

It is important that you regularly clean your pet’s water bowl, no matter what type of bowl you get for them. You can use ½ cup of regular bleach in a gallon of water. Mix that up. Put some into your pet’s water bowl for 10 minutes. Be sure the bowl is up out of their reach. Then you can rinse it out with clean water. Let it dry. Never use dangerous chemicals when cleaning your pet’s water bowl. If your pet’s water bowl has a filter, be sure to change it regularly.

What is the best water bowl for cats?

If you want to get the best water bowl for your cat, ceramic bowls are a great option. However, you could also choose to get an electric pet water bowl, so they have enough water for when you are not home.

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Written by Leo Roux

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