A Pomeranian puppy is arguably one of the cutest, fluffiest puppies you will ever encounter. Sure, this is all a matter of opinion, but these teacup dogs are an irresistibly adorable breed to most dog lovers. There are a few things you need to know about this breed before you let their adorableness win you over and you commit to Pomeranian adoption.

Oddly enough, if you saw the ancestors of these teensy tiny dogs, you may not believe it. The teacup Pomeranian is a descendant of large, Icelandic sled dogs. In the 1600s when Queen Victoria fell in love with these miniature dogs, the then popularized the trend of owning a teacup-sized dog. By the 1800s these once giant dogs had an average weight of around 30 pounds. Since this time period, people have been obsessed with continuing to shrink this breed of dog as small as possible. In 1988 the Mini Pomeranian was inducted into the American Kennel Club as a member of the toy group of dogs.

For such a small dog, the Pomeranian has a mighty large personality. They are full of spunky energy and the bravery of a dog 3 times their size. One could claim that this is a leftover personality trait of their Icelandic sled dog descent. Their spunky personalities can sometimes come out as feisty, as they can become concerned about strangers at times and have a tendency to bark.
This aversion to strangers can also be chocked up to their jealous feelings when they think someone is stealing the attention of their owner away from them. Early socialization is important with these teacup dogs to try and curb these tendencies while they are still young. On that same note of early socialization, it’s important that Mini Pomeranian owners keep a constant eye while their Pomeranians are interacting with other dogs. These teacup dogs that weigh under 10 pounds don’t realize that they are in fact this small until they’ve already picked a fight with a much larger dog.

The grooming needs of a mini-Pomeranian are going to be either as bad as you imagined or not that bad at all. They do boast a luscious coat of fur that requires regular brushing. One or two times a week should usually be enough to keep their fur soft and shiny, as well as keeping the skin beneath it healthy. As far as cutting their fur, there isn’t much of a need for trims unless it’s for aesthetic reasons. This is one of the perks of this dog's benign teacup size.
Pomeranians are surprisingly medium shedding dogs. One may think they’d shed a lot more than that considering the volume of their thick fur coats. Brushing their coat 2-3 times per week will help to keep their shedding down to a more manageable level.

The Mini Pomeranian should fare well on a diet of commercial dog food from most any pet store. Although, finding a food that is specifically for toy-sized dogs would be excellent for your dog. This is because the morsels of food will be made smaller and easier to chew in these specific foods.
It is also important to pay attention to the recommended serving size for a dog of their size. You don’t want to be overfeeding or underfeeding your mini-Pomeranian. In addition to a well-balanced diet, you’ll always want to make sure they have fresh water available at all times.

Unfortunately for these tiny dogs, they are often cursed with a number of health complications. Mostly due to the poor and unethical breeding practices that took place to achieve their miniature size.
A few of the health issues that Mini Pomeranians are known to experience include problems with their heart, patellar dislocation, allergies, skin irritations, and even premature death. All of which is heartbreaking to even think about. Teacup Pomeranians are at high risk for sudden death as a result of trauma.
Their incredibly small size makes them incredibly vulnerable to any sort of trauma, such as being sat on or stepped on. Teacup Pomeranians are great with children but are not recommended as a household pet for families with small children. A child who doesn't understand how to play gently with this miniature dog could accidentally cause serious harm to the dog while playing.
Miniature Pomeranians are an undeniably adorable breed of dog with an interesting background story. They are a dog that weighs under 10 pounds on average, only to have descended from a breed that likely weighed anywhere from 60 to 90 pounds.
Adopting and caring for a Toy Pomeranian isn’t too difficult, although maybe a learning curve for someone who has only ever owned larger breeds of dogs. Their grooming needs are moderate with brushing recommended 2-3 times per week to stay on top of shedding as well as fur health. Their fluffy fur is voluminous enough to even style if desired. There isn’t much to be said about their nutrition needs, aside from buying food made for toy-sized dogs if possible.
Overall, the Pomeranian is a happy, affectionate little dog who will ferociously love their owners and even try to protect them. Their tiny size calls for extreme caution when playing or even walking around near them. All concerns aside, they can make a wonderful pet for a loving home that is ready to take special care of them.
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