Do you own a golden retriever or are you thinking about getting one? If so, it might be helpful to be prepared for their longevity. Many pet owners acquire a dog and take them in as a member of the family. It can be very difficult to lose a pet at any age.
However, it is still helpful to be prepared for how long your pet might live. Golden retrievers are very devoted to their family. They are smart and very friendly, too. With that being said, the average golden retriever lifespan is between 10 to 12 years old. Years ago, they lived to be about 16 to 17 years old.
Cancer Affects Their Life Expectancy
Unfortunately, golden retrievers have a higher risk of getting blood cancer, lymphoma, and bone cancer than any other type of dog. Even at earlier ages, this breed of dog can get cancer. There is no direct cause that can be found attributed to this increased risk of cancer in golden retrievers. If you are considering bringing a golden retriever into your home, keep in mind their risk of cancer. This is not to say that a golden retriever wouldn’t make a great pet because they will. This is just something you should keep in mind.
Other Factors Involved in the Longevity of Golden Retrievers
In addition to the increased cancer risk, there are other factors that are involved in the dog life expectancy of golden retrievers. This breed of dog is more prone to joint and hip issues. While these issues might not cause your golden retriever to pass away, they certainly will reduce the quality of life they have.
With this in mind, it is important to know that keeping your dog at a healthy golden retriever weight is one way to reduce their risk of hip and joint issues. There are also ways to increase your pet's longevity.
Genetics Play a Role in Golden Retriever’s Longevity
Genetics will also play a role in a golden retriever’s longevity. Depending on their family history, where they were bred, and how many litters the parents had previously, the longevity of your specific golden retriever can vary. This is why you should always check on the breeders before you buy from them.
Increasing Golden Retriever’s Longevity
The great news is that you can improve your pet's life and increase your golden retriever’s longevity (or at least attempt to).
The number one way to do this is by making sure your adult golden retriever is at a stable, healthy weight. You can do this by feeding your pet the best natural dog food.
Aside from giving your dog a balanced diet consisting of healthy homemade dog food, you should also make sure that they're up-to-date with their vaccinations.
This not only reduces their risk of joint and hip issues, as mentioned above, but it reduces their cancer risk, too. Now that you know more about how long golden retrievers live, you can decide whether this is the type of breed you want to bring into your home. Yes, they are prone to some health issues, more than other dogs, perhaps. However, you should remember they make for great companions, wonderful family dogs, and they will love you with everything they have.
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How long do golden retrievers live?
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