If you have a family and you're looking for an extra level of safety, you've probably considered getting a guard dog. With the right training, these dogs can keep watch over your premises, guarding against unwanted intruders. If you live out in the country, those intruders might be other animals who might pose a threat to you or your property. In the city, those intruders might be burglars. No matter the intruder, you're going to want to have one of the best guard dog breeds on the lookout for your home!
Here are the five best protection dogs for your home and family.
German Shepherd: One of the Best Guard Dog Breeds

Believe it or not, the German Shepherd is one of the best guard dog breeds around. These dogs are loyal, smart, and have a solid sense of their home territory.
They're also relatively easy to train and menacing in appearance. If you've ever seen an angry German Shepherd, you'll know that they look like terrifying large guard dogs. Indeed, when it comes to smaller animals, they'll have no problem scaring them off. Even bigger animals and humans will get spooked, seeing a 70-80lb+ dog growling at them.
Honestly, it's hard to beat a German Shepherd for this task. They're one of the best protection dogs around (and they make fantastic pets!).

Rottweilers make fantastic guard dogs as they are instinctually very protective of their family. They weigh even more than German Shepherds, so their presence will most definitely spook anyone or any creature that might be lurking on your property.
They're highly intelligent dogs and relatively easy to train, so turning your Rottweiler into a guard dog shouldn't present too much of a challenge.
Rottweilers have served as herding canines for many generations. They have the drive to protect hard-wired in their brains through generations and generations of evolution. In part, that long history is what makes them one of the ideal types of guard dogs.
Giant Schnauzer

Another one of the best guard dog breeds is the Giant Schnauzer. These dogs are powerful physically and require strict training. They weigh about 95 pounds and stand up to 27.5 inches at the shoulder, so they look quite menacing to would-be intruders.
Unlike some dog breeds, Giant Schnauzers are very territorial by nature. They're unlikely to greet someone with a smile and tail wag. Instead, they'll be skeptical of pretty much everyone.
However, with enough training, you can teach your dog the difference between people who are welcome on your property (like the person that delivers your mail) and someone who is not (like a burglar).
Doberman Pinscher

Speed makes these beautiful animals one of the best types of guard dogs. They can run incredibly quickly and traverse large properties to keep out intruders. Dobermans can reach a mind-boggling 32 mph, so even if they spot an intruder far off in the distance, they'll be able to investigate it before it gets too close to you! If you have a farm, a cottage with lots of space, or a large house, then a Doberman might be the right guard dog for you.
Training your Doberman as a guard dog should be relatively straightforward, although it certainly won't be as easy as some of the other dogs on this list.
Bullmastiff: Another One of the Best Guard Dog Breeds

If you're looking for the best guard dog breeds, look no further than the Bullmastiff - an oddly-named dog whose initial breeding was to create watchdogs for guarding estates. Unlike some of the other dogs on this list that had different roles (like herding cattle or working on a farm), people bred the Bullmastiff 200 years ago intending to have these excellent dogs guard property.
Bullmastiffs are a cross between the Mastiff and Old English Bulldog. As such, they are large, muscular, and have guarding instincts. They also weigh over 100 pounds so they can take down most threats with ease.
There Are Quite a Few Best Protection Dogs
Dogs tend to be territorial by nature. As such, there are quite a few of the best guard dog breeds out there that will protect both your family and your home. The most accessible dog breed for this purpose is the German Shepherd. These dogs are loyal, smart, and easy-to-train. If you've never had a dog before and are looking for one for protection, you would be hard-pressed to find a better choice than a German Shepherd.
However, if you're looking for the most power and a dog that has had centuries of protecting people within its lineage, then the Bullmastiff is probably the best option. These dogs are some of the best, if not the best, guard dogs that you can have.
Of course, all these dogs make excellent pets, so you should never think of them as mere guard dogs! Instead, they'll become part of your family as they are protecting it!
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Cane Corsos are big dogs with dignified and regal appearances. The Italian pooches are undeniably mesmerizing, visually, and they’re bred for guardianship. If you’re looking for an effective guard dog, a Cane Corso is definitely one breed to consider.
Having owned a bullmastiff, cane corso, pressa, boxer ,I now have 2 Boerboels and can safely say they are the best guard dogs at 80 kg they are simply massive and frighten unwanted visitors away and only bark when there is a problem . But like most guard dog breads they need a strong leader for direction or will take control themselves . They love children but care should be taken as they can knock them over whilst playing. Boerboels are a very healthy dog and don’t suffer with most big dog problems
I have a rottweiler 4 month old is it good to have rottweiler as a family dog or is it dangerous for the family
What is the best ground dog?
i have to rottweilers male.and female defferent breeds they are watch dogs zas little as 2months they will demonstrate those signs
Is the belgain malinois a family dog
I have a Belgian Malinois she was a bit crazy at first I couldn’t take her for a walk she would keep jumping and biting HARD once I got an electric collar problem solved other Malinois owners said the same it’s not mean my arms were free of bite marks also they will chew up any blanket etc. But IAM so happy I got one. After all that she is the most lovey dog ever I can’t leave the room without her following me. My husband has three hunting dogs. But now he wants a Malinois!!!
I have a Belgian Malinois
Belgian malinois trained correctly, I now have my second mallie whos friendly but smart great guard dog. A lot of people start bitework far too early which makes malinois appear more aggressive. Keira my current malinois is a great gp dog in training and pet dog. Shes versatile friendly but can switch to aggressive on command
No Belgian Malinois?? After having a German Shepard, amazing dog, and a few others, nothing compares to my well trained Mal.
I grew up with German Shepherds. I own one now. I will have to say they are the best all-around dog I’ve had: protective, smart, handsome, loving, and super with children. I highly recommend a GSD to anyone looking for a exceptional dog. I also highly suggest having any dog trained at an early age by a professional and refresh training skills often.
I am looking for a puppy Boerboel or Rottweiler male. Please contact me at 0639407006
There are a few others not mentioned that are worthy of top tier guard dog and watch dog status. The following dogs are certainly not to be underestimated I would consider Great Dane, Boxer, Chow, Siberian Husky and Akita. Great Danes are awesome Guard Dogs and will intimidate any intruders from the get go but your feed bill will likely increase as they do like most dogs, love to eat! The Boxer is loyal to a fault and for families with young children I have seen quite protective Boxers without ever giving a thought to harming a child in their own family. They are full of energy and love to play but they also know when to be serious and will let a trespassing animal or person that they need to keep on heading down the road!!
Boxers are second to none as family guards!!
I have owned 2 Akitas , a Belgian Malinois for.personsl protection and now.on my 5th Rottweiler . For family overall the Rottweiler is my pick for guarding/ family protection as long you train and know what you have . All these breeds I touched on are very good . The Belgian Malinois was too much dog for my family when I deployed away from home . Wanted to bite anyone in close proximity of my family.. A very Hot Tempered Dog like a light switch . Careful if you have one of these. The Rottweiler is more laid back family friendly but still a liability especially if ADRK lineage.is in the DNA . That’s the bloodlines out of Europe / Germany for the best Rottweilers in the world. If you have that stamp in the lines at least 3 -4:times next to ancestors you got something special!! If it ain’t Rottweiler it’s just a dog !! Superior dogs
I have owned 2 Akitas , a Belgian Malinois for.personsl protection and now.on my 5th Rottweiler . For family overall the Rottweiler is my pick for guarding/ family protection as long you train and know what you have . All these breeds I touched on are very good . The Belgian Malinois was too much dog for my family when I deployed away from home . Wanted to bite anyone in close proximity of my family.. A very Hot Tempered Dog like a light switch . Careful if you have one of these. The Rottweiler is more laid back family friendly but still a liability especially if ADRK lineage.is in the DNA . That’s the bloodlines out of Europe / Germany for the best Rottweilers in the world. If you have that stamp in the lines at least 3 -4:times next to ancestors you got something special!! If it ain’t Rottweiler it’s just a dog !! Superior dogs
The best is the Boerboel…hands down, big, agile, intimidating and loyal.
Hi looking to give a Rottweiler puppy a good home with lots of play grown and lots of TLC
I have had German shepherds most of my life . They are amazing dogs . Until I met the Akita . Have owned 2 .
I have 2 Rottweiler girls they are the best strong watchdog’s 4 me love them 2 death
Call your insurance agent first. You will be surprised at their answer and cost. Irony at its worst. Pay to protect what you pay them to cover.
I was looking into a Cane Corso or Presas Canaria. Can you tell me more about them? Are they good with children, do they make good gaurd dogs, are they difficult to train, etc…
Kindly give German Shepherd dog or puppy.
Belgian malinois are a Great Dogs..Easily Trained..Very Loyal and A Great Watch Dog.
I own a 2 year old female giant schnauzer and I must say she’s one of the best dogs I’ve ever owned. Everything you mentioned in the article is correct. I also find this breed is easily trained. You will need a firm hand at times, she will capitalize on your weakness if you let her. This is a very active dog, needs lots of daily exercise. She’s also a very loving dog with family members. She will always watch your back when walking, very curious about everything around you, a true guard dog in every sense. Love this breed…
I own a 2 year old female giant schnauzer and I must say she’s one of the best dogs I’ve ever owned. Everything you mentioned in the article is correct. I also find this breed is easily trained. You will need a firm hand at times, she will capitalize on your weakness if you let her. This is a very active dog, needs lots of daily exercise. She’s also a very loving dog with family members. She will always watch your back when walking, very curious about everything around you, a true guard dog in every sense. Love this breed…
I am looking for an alsatian or German shepherd puppy , I live alone , and will be going to a good home