There are millions of Americans that are allergic to cats. When it comes to our feline friends, there are different parts of the cat to which people can be allergic, including their fur and saliva. Most people are allergic to a combination of one or more factors. By having an almost hypoallergenic or non-shedding cat, you will eliminate one of the most common triggers for allergies - fur that's lying around the house, on your clothes, and everything else!
Fortunately, there are numerous non-shedding cat breeds from which you can choose. Here are five of the top ones.
The Ultimate Non-Shedding Cat: Sphynx
The Sphynx cat breed is virtually a hairless cat breed. The only reason that it is almost hairless and not entirely hairless is that there is a small level of fuzz very close to the skin. Other than that, you will see this feline's bare skin rather easily, and from a distance, a Sphynx cat looks entirely hairless.
If you've ever watched Austin Powers, you'll recognize the Sphynx as Mr. Bigglesworth. Although these cats tend to be with the villains in movies, in reality, they are warm and affectionate hypoallergenic non-shedding cats. They make an excellent addition to any family!
Siamese cats are not hairless, but they don't shed much. Their fur tends to be shorter than some of the other cat breeds. Siamese cats are mainly well known for being social creatures.
They are playful pets that love to be affectionate and need constant attention from their humans. They're also quite vocal, so if you aren't giving them the love they need, they will most definitely let you know about it!
Burmese cats are very striking animals. These cats have wide eyes and have beautiful personalities. They're very loving and continually seeking ways to interact with their owners. They tend to be trusting pets, seldom not liking a new face. The best part is that they don't shed very much!
If you love the look of the big cats (e.g., the tigers), you'll love the Bengal cat. With stripes and a general appearance that mimics a tiger, the Burmese cat is a lot of fun and would be a fantastic non-shedding cat to add to any household.
With Snow Bengal and Bengal cats, you need to be careful, though, as they can have severe health issues. In particular, you need to pay attention to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Scientists know that this is a genetic disorder. However, they are unsure of what gene, in particular, causes this. Therefore, responsible breeders will have the cats that are going to mate come in for echocardiograms. If those tests come back clear for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, then the cats can breed. If not, then the breeders should not use those cats to produce offspring.
If you're planning on getting the fantastic hypoallergenic non-shedding cat that is the Bengal, please make sure you get one from a responsible breeder who has done his or her due diligence. If possible, ask to see the information that they obtained from the screening.
The Bombay cat is one of the best non-shedding cat breeds around. They have a warm, friendly, and outgoing personality, and most Bombay cats are fantastic around children for this reason. As such, they would make the perfect addition to any family.
Bombay cats are black, featuring gorgeous eyes, and a reasonably short fur coat. The fact that the coat is so short is one of the reasons why this cat is hypoallergenic.
There Are Numerous Hypoallergenic Cats
Cats certainly make great first pets, and fortunately, if you are allergic to cats, there are numerous hypoallergenic non-shedding cats you can choose. The Sphynx is the best choice for a non-shedding cat if you can handle the hairless look.
If you can't manage the hairless appearance and want something that doesn't shed, you may wish to consider the Bombay, Burmese, Siberian, Siamese, or Bengal cats. Each one has a lovely temperament that would complement any home.
If you're thinking about getting one of those pets, please check out your local shelters first. You might be surprised, and they'll have one available to adopt!
Is there a non-shedding cat?
Are Siberian cats non-shedding?
Which cat breeds shed the least?
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We just lost our Dog and plan to get another. We also want a cat and raise them together.
Looking for a Siamese cat…
I’m looking for a non shedding kitten or cat.
Hi. I am looking for a non-shedding hypo-allergenic kitten that loves to cuddle and would get long with my two Shichons (both girls are about 1 yr
7 months old). The Bombay and the Burmese are my favorites in these pictures. Most important is that they are affectionate. The ideal scenario wold be to find one to rescue.
Thank you,