Fluffy Dog Breeds: Everything You Need to Know

Who can really resist big fluffy dogs? Short-haired dog breeds are wonderful, but fluffy dogs just make you want to pet them and cuddle up to them on the sofa and watch a movie. There are definitely pros and cons to owning a fluffy dog. Between the grooming needs and shedding, fluffy dogs can be a handful.

It may sound like a lot to take on, but owning a fluffy dog can be easily managed with proper brushing, grooming, and other steps that can be taken to manage these beautiful dogs.

What is a Double Coated Dog?

Most fluffy dogs are dogs who have a double coat of fur. This means that they have two layers of fur, both of which serve a particular purpose of the dog. Fluffy dogs such as Huskies and German Shepherds have this double coat of fur. 

The first layer, the one closest to their skin, is fine and soft. Its purpose is to help your dog to regulate its temperature in different climates. This layer can either trap air to keep them cool in the summer or insulate them to keep them warm in the winter. This is the layer that will be left all over your home when your dog is shedding. 

The topcoat, on the other hand, doesn’t shed and is tougher and coarser. This layer of fur is meant to protect your dog from other harmful things like the sun's harsh light and bug bites. This topcoat also helps to insulate your fluffy dog from intense heat. Which is one major reason why you should never shave your fluffy dog’s fur coat. 

Grooming a Fluffy Dog

There are some important things any fluffy dog owner or future owner should know about grooming their fluffy dog. Even short-haired dog breeds that are fluffy should have these important points considered when grooming. 

Before brushing your fluffy dog it's important that you spray them with some water to dampen their fur before taking a brush to it. Spraying some water on your fluffy dog’s fur will help to reduce static electricity as well as make it less likely to break or fall out while you’re brushing them. 

Doing this brushing process before fully bathing your dog is also something you will need to remember. Removing any mats that have formed in their fur before bathing is also important. If you bathe them without doing these things first you will only make things worse for them. 

Finally, if you can hear their brush running through their fur as you are brushing them this means that you probably have the wrong kind of brush for their fur type. Using the wrong brush can not only cause damage to their fur but also potentially hurt them. 

Pest Control

Because of how much easier it is to hide within the fur coat of a fluffy dog, parasites and fleas can conceal themselves much easier in a fluffy dog. This is why when you own a fluffy dog it's important to keep up with a regular flea and tick regiment. Usually, your vet will recommend one when you go for your dog’s annual checkup. They will also check your dog for any signs of fleas or various parasites as a part of their exam. 


We’ve already covered many of the basics of bathing your fluffy dog, but there are a few other tips and tricks to have up your sleeve for this matter. For instance, a dog groomer will recommend that you use a top-down method when washing your fluffy dog. This means starting at the top when washing your dog, that way the water and shampoo can run down your dog's fur and move in the direction of the fur.

Keeping up with Shedding

Dogs with a double fur coat, especially fluffy ones, tend to shed at two particular points in the year. Keeping up with their shedding is important for both your dog and your entire household. Loose hairs that build up under their top coat of fur can eventually form into a matted clump of fur if they aren’t brushed regularly. Some dog owners, depending on their dog’s personality, will take a vacuum cleaner right to their dog to suck up the loose fur. Some dogs absolutely love this, others are scared of vacuums. 


Fluffy dogs like the Chow chow, Samoyed, and Tibetan Mastiff are irresistibly adorable unless maybe you have an allergy or can’t handle the higher grooming demands. All it really takes to keep up with a fluffy dog’s fur coat is about 10 minutes of brushing time weekly. Maybe more time during their peak shedding seasons, but nothing an extra brushing session a week can’t help. 

What is the fluffiest dog in the world?

The breed that is considered to be the fluffiest dog breed around is a dog called the “Keeshond”, a designer breed of dog that was bred just for the fact of having the fluffiest fur coat. Its lineage includes the Chow Chow and the Samoyed, two breeds that are known well for their big fluffy fur coats.

What is considered a medium dog?

A medium-sized dog is considered to be in the weight range of 35 to 65 pounds. They are also 1 to 2 feet tall from their shoulders down to the ground. Dogs like the German Shepherd and Golden Retriever are two examples of medium-sized dog breeds.

Why are dogs furry?

Dogs are furry to help keep them warm and protected in their various living environments. For instance, the saint Bernard dog has a thick fur coat to keep them warm in their typically snowy climates of where they are from.

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Written by Leo Roux

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