We’ve heard pet owners boast about their superior and beauty. What is behind that mystique of the Russian blue cat? What could be the reason behind this magnificent creature we love so much? Is it their blue coat or their eyes which are a vivid green color? Is it something that only cat fanciers can tell us about. Let's learn all about Russian Blue cat's facts and features and the traits of a Russian Blue cat.
Why is the Russian Blue a Great Cat Breed Choice?
There are many reasons to adopt a Russian blue cat; for the breed’s supremely dense, durable, and soft coat. Also, many people find the Russian blue to be better for owners dealing with allergies as this breed produces lower levels of the allergen, glycoprotein Fel d 1 if you compare the levels to other cat breeds.
The Russian blue has remarkable features; a long and slender double coat, fine bones, large ears, a straight nose, and a broad forehead. This cat breed is definitely the most regal looking of the bunch. With their natural smiles plastered on their faces, owners fancy their Russian British blues. The Russian blue’s sparkling green eyes are unmistakable as well, making her the most unique in features.
Don’t mistake her sleekness as weak, however. The Russian blue cat is known to be a strong and muscular cat breed underneath the thick coat. She’s quick too as long legs on this cat breed allow for her to run at the highest of speeds. The Russian blue temperament is affectionate, yet not clingy.
Where Did the Russian Blue Originate?

While it is hard to pinpoint the exact origin of some cat breeds, it is believed the Russian blue comes from northern Russia, in the Archangel Isles. It is rumored that this breed descended from the cats that Russian Czars used to own, which makes sense because she is a high maintenance one at that.
It is possible that the Russian blue got on a ship to England and northern Europe sometime in the mid-1800s. And, it’s recorded from the sixteenth century that trade ships passed between northern Russia and the British Isles. The Vikings were also active in these regions in centuries prior, though the Russian blue does not become mentioned until the 19th century.
The first-ever official appearance by the Russian blue looks to be in 1875, exhibited regally at London’s Crystal Palace. This cat was called the “Archangel Cat.” A little bit of background behind the Crystal Palace; it was constructed under Prince Albert, who was the husband of Queen Victoria, one of the most regal queens we know of. The Crystal Palace was the location of The Great Exhibition in 1851 and continued to exhibit items of Victorian England. People from all over the world came to know this exhibit, which shows the significance of the Russian blue’s regal origins. This exhibit kicked off what we’d call “cat shows,” which were regular, popular events.
With such royal ties, the sleek and sophisticated Russian blue is the staple of culture and elegance of cats. By 1912, the Russian blue was classified in its own right after being introduced in the United States at the turn of the century. And then, after World War II, the Russian blue gained such popularity within cat breeds.
As we continue to get to know this cat, it’s important to know the precious Russian Blue characteristics and personality, and the intelligence of the Russian blue, and how you can keep your Russian blue happy and healthy.
What Can I Expect From a Russian Blue’s Personality?

The Russian Blue personality is very sweet and loyal and they are known to follow their owner wherever they go. Expect for her to be waiting for you at the door when you get home as this breed becomes very attached to their owners quite quickly, making them oh so loved by their owners. In return, this breed will want love and attention in return from the whole family. They love to play fetch and enjoy playing with other toys, as well. The saying goes that Russian blues train their owners, not the other way around, so expect that too.
Unlike other cat breeds, Russian blues are extremely social cats. Though, do respect her space as she might seek a quiet solitude to nap. When you get home from work, do incorporate a lot of playtime with her as they want some fun after a long day of napping. Guests might not see your Russian blue, however. They’re quite shy when large groups are in the home.
How Intelligent Are Russian Blues?

You will learn quickly that Russian blues are highly intelligent cats. Do note that they do require quite a bit of physical and mental stimulation, so keep toys around throughout their house. Because Russian blues have a strong hunting instinct, they love to play with a fishing pole or mouse toys.
Do be aware of cat-proofing these toys, though. Like most cats, she might rip it to shreds or eat string, which would result in wreaking havoc on her digestive system and an emergency vet situation.
Make sure you give your Russian blue a good hygiene routine as she will require some grooming and regular vet visits. There also are necessities such as cat-safe toothpaste and special treats to keep her teeth in perfect shape.
What are the grooming needs for the Russian Blue?

No matter what type of cat you get, you will need to make sure they are groomed properly. If you choose to a get Russian Blue cat, it is important to know that their coats are quite thick. However, they don’t shed much at all. You will need to comb or brush them at least once every week to help get rid of their excess hair. In addition, combing or brushing them once a week or more will help to move around the natural oils on their skin. During the spring, which is the season for shedding, you might want to comb or brush your Russian Blue cat more often.
In addition to combing and brushing your cat regularly, you should also trim their nails when it is needed. You can also get vet-approved toothpaste for your cat to brush their teeth.
With all this being said, Russian Blues are very clean. They enjoy cleaning themselves. You should keep their litter box clean as much as possible or they might urinate or poop someplace else. It would be helpful to feed them at the same times every day. You should devote time to play with them each day, as well.
Russian Blue cats love to climb, play, and explore. If you don’t want them getting into your cupboards, you might want to get childproof products to keep them out.
Besides making sure you do these things, if you must work long hours, your Russian Blue cat would be fine staying home for hours on their own just playing and exploring, which is why they make for great apartment pets.
Feeding Your Russian Blue

Russian blues love some good cat food and a regular mealtime. This cat breed, in particular, tends to overeat, so its best to keep her on a healthy diet. Beware, she may beg for treats and extra meals but stick to the recommended diet plan for your cat by measuring out amounts of food and limiting cat treats.
Russian blues are a lot like their Siamese cousins as they are very vocal. She will let you know when she needs to be fed, when she wants to play, or when she requires some snuggles on the couch or in bed. The Russian blue is one observant yet persistent cat breed, so always ensure you are meeting her high standards and needs.
Do remember, like most cats, Russian blues, in particular, do not adapt well to change. Inconsistent meal times and unrecognizable visitors are not this breed’s forte, so do know that she will tell you. Remember, it is perfectly fine to carry a conversation with her, as this chatty breed will love to converse with you. She will be your partner in crime.
What Can I Expect in Regards to Health with My Russian Blue Kitten or Cat?

If you do get one of these bright blue kittens or cats, there are many things that you might have to learn. One of the things that you might need to know more about is the health of Russian Blue kittens and cats.
These cats are commonly prone to eye health issues. However, almost all cat breeds are vulnerable to some eye health issues. The Russian Blue cats have a higher risk of developing glaucoma (due to eyeball pressure), cataracts (lens opacity), entropion (eyelids rolling inward), retinal issues, conjunctivitis (inner eyelid inflammation), infections, scratches on the eyes, not producing enough tears, allergic reactions, and much more.
This cat breed is often more prone to developing respiratory tract disorders. Russian blue cats often develop lower and upper respiratory tract disorders. They might get the flu, have a viral condition that is incurable (especially when they don’t receive their vaccinations), asthma, allergies, inflamed lungs, and many other similar disorders.
Some Russian Blue kittens or cats will develop an infectious disease. They might get a virus such as the cat flu or the leukemia virus. Your Russian Blue kitten or cat could get a bacterial disease or any other range of infectious eye or brain diseases. They could also get feline infectious peritonitis which can become very serious.
Russian Blue kittens and cats are more prone to kidney disease. The kidneys are needed to properly get rid of waste from their blood and out through the urine. Any number of things can cause kidney issues in these cats. Some of the most common things that might cause kidney disease in Russian Blue cats include toxins, tumors, blockages, infections, and other similar health issues.
If you get a Russian Blue cat, they could also develop cystitis. This occurs when the urethra and balder are not functioning properly. They develop feline urinary tract disease or cystitis. This is generally caused from high levels of stress, infections, bladder stones, or not urinating enough throughout the day. This condition can make urinating very painful for the cat.
Most of these health issues have easy treatment options. However, there are others that are much trickier and more difficult to treat than others. If you get a Russian Blue kitten or cat that experiences any health issues, be sure to have them checked out by their veterinarian as soon as possible.
If you are a first-time pet owner, have to work a lot, or have children who would like to have a pet, a Russian Blue kitten or cat might be a great choice. They are playful, entertaining, and absolutely beautiful.
I acquired my Russian Blue 14 years ago. He’s been a great indoor pet, gets along well with my other cat. Has a quiet demeanor and is soft spoken. Has the sharpest claws I’ve ever encountered and has one bad habit, that of using my couch to scratch on. There is no breaking him of this, so I’ve resigned myself to living with a damaged couch so long as he lives. He has refused all other apparatuses. He’s very sweet, and very sharp. I would advocate keeping an indoor cat for life, since their behaviors may be hard to tolerate at first. Bonding takes awhile.
I have had several RB’s and if the cat is in the home already if not it may take a while until they figure out the cat belongs there.
Do Russian blues get on with other cats I have two siamese cats and would love to add a Russian blue and do you know any first class breeder of this cat?