As the world’s most popular breed of lap dog, chihuahua’s are a special little breed of dog. From children’s movies to fast food commercials, chihuahua’s have most definitely made a name for themselves around the world.
For as small as these dogs are, their life expectancy and the factors that influence it may come as a surprise to some. Being aware of a chihuahua’s life expectancy is important for those who already own a chihuahua to know, as well as anyone who is considering adopting one.
How Long Can a Chihuahua Live?

There is no accurate way to determine exactly how long any particular chihuahua is destined to live, but we do have a good average age range that we can go by. We can also rely on the fact that smaller dogs tend to live longer lives in general.
From chihuahuas to shih tzus, smaller breeds tend to have longer life expectancies compared to their larger counterparts.
A generous average tells us that chihuahuas are known to live from 14-20 years. This average is based on the chihuahua living a relatively healthy life and not facing too many of factors that can have a negative effect on a chihuahua’s life expectancy. It's worth noting though, that there are things you can do to improve your pet's longevity.
The World’s Oldest Chihuahua

Chihuahuas are one of the world's longest living dog breeds. On record, the oldest chihuahua known to have existed lived a long happy life to the ripe old age of 20 years old, almost to 21. Megabyte, the name of this record-setting chihuahua died on New Year's Day in 2014. He was 20 years and 265 days old.
If you want to prolong your pet's life, here are guaranteed tips to improve your pet's longevity.
What Factors Affect a Chihuahua’s Life Expectancy?

There are several factors that greatly influence how long a chihuahua will be present in your life. You might notice that many of these factors are similar to what might impact how long a human will live, making them rather easy to remember.
Genetic Traits
A dog’s genes can tell you a lot about how long they might live or how healthy they are going to be in the long run. That is if you are so lucky to meet the parents or adopt from someone who knows about the chihuahua’s parents.
Caring for your dog
Caring for your dog is sometimes a full-time job. There are so many things to know, and so little time to research!
Here at Petsmont, we have a team whose only job is to research the best ingredients for dog products. And because Fleas & Ticks are such a big headache for dog owners, we have developed our very own & natural Flea & Tick Collar for dogs. Say goodbye to fleas, your dog will thank you!
If you live in a rural or urban area, you will want to shield your dog's paws from hard surfaces, hot pavement or even salty ice. The same way we hoomans need lipstick, our furry friends need paw balm! And because we only want the best for them, we have developed a USDA Certified Organic Paw Balm for dogs. No more dry, cracked paws. You will see a difference after the very first application.
Diet and Nutrition
A chihuahua is only going to be as healthy as the food they eat. For instance, as much as most pet owners want to share their “people food” with their little buddies, it’s probably one of the worst things you can do for your chihuahua’s diet. People food is just as the name implies; it’s meant for people.
Your pet needs better food for a longer life. A chihuahua needs to be given a balanced diet of high-quality pet food that is well balanced nutritionally and does not contain preservatives or fillers of any sort. A chihuahua’s diet is directly linked to how long they live due to how significantly it impacts their overall health.
A good diet provides well-rounded nutrient intake and helps them to maintain a healthy weight. A plump little chihuahua might sound adorable, but these little dogs can have some serious negative impacts on their health if they are carrying around any excess weight.
In order to ensure that your pet is getting the optimum amount of nutrients in their diet, you can start by making healthy homemade dog food yourself. Here are some of our best DIY dog food recipes that your pup will surely enjoy:
- DIY Tasty Apple Chips for Dogs Recipe
- DIY Stuffed Pawtato for Dogs Recipe
- DIY Pup Kebabs for Dogs Recipe
- DIY Doggy Green Bean Casserole Recipe
Weight Gain or Loss
Just like with humans, if chihuahuas gain and hold onto a few extra pounds, they are more susceptible to developing health problems. Typically these health problems include diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, both of which can lead to a shortened lifespan.
The average chihuahua weight ranges from 3-6 pounds. This means that even the slightest weight gain or loss can be significant for these tiny dogs. Yes, being underweight is also detrimental to the health and lifespan of a chihuahua.
Being underweight often points to a chihuahua being undernourished, which can lead to a weakened immune system Meaning, a chihuahua who is underweight is at just as high of a risk for a shortened life span as an overweight chihuahua is.
Dental Hygiene
Small dog breeds such as chihuahuas are at very high risk for dental issues throughout their lives. If these problems are not prevented or handled as they appear, these small dogs can suffer some serious consequences to their health.
If your chihuahua develops diseases such as gingivitis due to poor dental hygiene, bacteria can then get into their bloodstream and travel through their body. Typically, this bacteria ends up in their heart or kidneys, inflicting even further damage and shortening their life span.

Chihuahuas are one of the luckier small breeds of dogs who have the ability to spend up to two loving and happy decades with us. Their life span is very much dependent upon several factors, some of which are in our control as their owners. Others, on the other hand, are just part of their nature. Such as their genetics or predisposition to certain diseases that can have a negative impact on their ability to live those full two decades.
Are chihuahuas smart?
Which chihuahua breed is the smallest?
Where do chihuahuas come from?
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My cousins chiuawawa is 21 years old and still living.
Stay away from any dog food with sugar in it. Avoid giving them sugar they tend towards diabetes. My Chi is 16 and healthy.
I have 2 Deer head Chis
Is Royal Canin wet food really good for Chi’s
My baby just died 2 days ago he was 16..I am brokenhearted..I took him to work with me everyday for yrs.i worked for a eye dr.
I lost my 13yr old chi last June 8th. She only weighed 2lbs. She was skin and bones. Vet didn’t know why.Igot another little girl. She was 8wks. She’s 4months now. Very smart. Pad trained and sets we play ball. Teaching her high 5.
I have a 16 year old chi and her weight is real good. She started having uti’s on 3rd antibiotics. They said this time it was from e-coli . She isn’t eating that much, on minute diarrhea next throwing up a little bit. Probably the meds. Don’t want her in pain or suffering. 😔😔any suggestions?Dont want to put her down if she still has good happy life. Not sure what to do. Have spent 500 or more in vets.
I love chihuahua. Had a chocolate one named Peanut. She passed away at age 12 of what the vet called a knotty heart condition. Have two now. Princess is 13 and she has congestive heart failure but she is on medication and doing well with it. Was given a 7 weeks old chihuahua by our lawn care man. We named her Jada and she is 7 months old now. She is a little monster. I have a terrier named Leroy that lives inside plus 4 cats and she don’t know which one she wants to bother. It’s so funny now. When the cats put up their paws 🐾 at her she just falls over. My husband and I just burst out laughing 🤣 😆 😂. We love them all very much. My big boy Jimmy lives in the garage. He is a Shepherd/Pittbull mixed. He is 77lbs. But, he’s a big baby and really smart like his mother who’s the German Shepherd. The father is a Blue Pittbull which is Grey in Color. Anyways we love 💘 💗 all of our pets.
We have a chi. Named Sampson
He turned 12 in November. He was 7 weeks old when we got him. He was a gift from my parents to their grandchildren. My kids are 19 and 18 now. They were 7 and 8 when we got him. So they grew up together. He is so very loving and protective of the whole family. The few times I had to spank my kids. Sampson would go crazy. He so loving but doesn’t want anyone else in the house or yard. He’s lost all of his teeth. And isn’t as mobile as he use to be. He needs help getting up and down on the couch recliner and bed. He’s been a blessing to us. My kids and my wife and I we all love him so much. And he returns the love. I pray that we have many more years with him. He does get some people food. Not much but some. Small very small price i
I have a Deerhead Chi, he will be 4 March 24th 2021. We got him when he was 8 weeks old and we thought he was mixed w something becuz he’s kinda big for a Chi. Even though we saw pictures of his parents. His mother looked like she was more of a long-haired Chihuahua and his dad looked a lot like him but his ears didn’t stick up. My Ziggy’s ears stick up pretty Distinctively. LOL He’s 13 pounds and Not fat. His name is Ziggy. Sent out his DNA and came back that he is 100% Chi 😎 He has the best attitude. Not an ankle biter or a yapper. T.G. We are in the process of adopting another small dog so he will have someone to play with. Our cats don’t let him play w them. LOL.
June Pritchett
My Precious was all of 3.6 lbs. She died in October at age 20. I spent a fortune feeding her. She was fussy just like your baby.
What I found was to keep rotating the food offered. The only thing she ate consistently was duck jerky. My Precious was blind and deaf and toothless for many years. I had to cut up everything for her. Even before she was old. Some chihuahuas like their food really small.
I discovered Stewart Raw Naturals freeze dried dog food. Both of my dogs like this more than anything else.
My Precious is gone but I’m getting a new little chihuahua girl today !
Her name is Roxy. She is about five years old. Roxy has been living outside under a tarp. She weighs about seven lbs. I’m so happy and excited.
I have a Deer Head chi. I got him at 6 weeks. He is 8 yrs old now. His weight got to 5 pounds and stays there. He is just an awesome dog. We have a black & white cocker spaniel also. She is 11 yrs old. We got her the same way. She got up to 20 lbs at 3 yrs and is still there. They are so funny. We would not trade the world for either one. Great dogs.
Love the breed. My family just put our little guy to rest last month. He was 23 years old… moo moo was his name.. love this post
My Chihuahua died at 13 …he had heart failure. I never knew this until I was told by several vets that Chihuahuas have problems with their hearts
I got my Chihuahua when he was 7 weeks old, he is now 3 years and I still can’t get him totally house trained. Although that’s a pain…my main concern is his eating (or lack of). I have tried every type of dog food, even the really expensive ones online. He may eat them one or two times and then turns up his nose (literally). I believe the lady that I bought him from fed all the puppies people food, having no money for regular dog food as that was all he would eat. He won’t even eat that reliably and gets quite thin at times. Any ideas will be appreciated.
I have a very sweet chihuahua. Got her when she was 6 months old. Now she’ll be 14 months old this month. Her name is Miss. Abby. I could not ask for a better dig than Abby. We just love her so much. She’s so cute too and she knows it. Lol. As my husband always tells her that she gets away with so much stuff because of her being so cute. No she does not get people food at all even though she would love it if she thought she could get away with it. But we always tell her no to people food and she does listen really good with that. As long as we tell her no she will leave us alone to eat in peace. But all in all she’s a really good. We just love her so darn much. But she is a big time mama’s girl here. Could not ask for a better dog than Miss. Abby.
I’m looking for a chili weenie puppy do you know where I could get one are Chihuahua a puppy a black one
Love my Chi. Bobbe Merce. Just turned 1 yr. Hard to paper n outdoor train
More of the Chi news
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