There aren’t many living organisms out there that don’t have to deal with seasonal allergies or cat food allergies. The same goes for domesticated cats. As a cat owner, sometimes it can be hard to tell if your cat is dealing with allergies. Even harder to determine what’s causing their allergies.
What are Cats Even Allergic to?

You might find it silly to think that the creature that is to blame most often for allergies in humans could be allergic to something as well. Some cats do deal with allergies. They can be tormented as badly as some humans are on any given Spring day.
Pollen and other seasonal changes aren’t the only things that can trigger allergies in cats. Other allergy triggers include mold, mildew, perfumes, prescription medications, and various cleaning products, just to name a few common allergens.
Cats can also have an allergy to food, which might be easier to pick up on by their owner. They will typically show more obvious signs of cat allergy with food, such as vomiting, diarrhea, or excessive scratching of their head and neck.
General Symptoms Your Cat May Experience with Allergies

When equipped with the right knowledge, cat owners can easily spot when their cats are suffering from allergies. Symptoms such as GI disturbances (vomiting, lack of appetite, etc.), as well as sneezing or having a runny nose.
You might be a little surprised to hear that your pet can show cat allergy symptoms that are so similar to those of their human counterparts. But it’s true, our cats, unfortunately, face this allergy-related torture as well.
How Do I Help My Cat with Their Allergies?

First, and most obvious, take them for a visit with the vet. That way the vet can help you to identify what the potential allergen is. This will help you to provide the best cat allergy treatment possible for your beloved furry buddy as well as vet-recommended food that will help with your cat's allergy.
If the vet can’t easily figure out what the culprit is of your cat’s allergies, they may move on to trying a skin or blood test. This will help them to better narrow down what is causing your cat’s allergy problems.
Once the problem is identified, the solution could be a range of treatments. From the vet recommending a particular allergy medication, to trying a new food or eliminating a certain plant from your home. You may also want to look into natural remedies for cat allergies.
We humans already know how terrible it is to suffer through a bout of seasonal allergies each year. It breaks our hearts to see our cats deal with that same torture. As owners, it’s our job to be able to identify when our cat is facing allergies and do what we need to do to help them feel better.
Thankfully, vets are on the ball with diagnosing cat allergies and helping to guide their owners in the right direction of treating their cat for their allergies.