Can I Get Coronavirus From My Pet?

During this coronavirus pandemic, you may be wondering whether your pet can give you the virus. This is a concern that many people throughout the United States and other areas of the world have. The truth is that the risk someone has of getting coronavirus from pets is very low. First, their pet would have to get infected with the virus, and then they would have to give that virus to a human. This is very unlikely. With this being said, it is reasonable why someone might think this is a possibility since the February 29th news of a dog in Hong Kong getting tested for a weak positive after his owner was sick with the coronavirus. Even after that instance, there are some things you should know.

You Can Get Sick from Your Dog

The truth is that dog’s mouths are full of bacteria and sometimes even parasites. This occurs when they lick themselves after pooping or peeing and from eating certain foods. If they kiss a human, it is possible to transfer these germs or parasites to their human. However, this generally results in getting diarrhea or a stomach ache. These are not symptoms of the coronavirus.

Can you Pass Coronavirus to Pets?

While it isn’t common, humans can get a dog sick. For instance, the swine flu has been found in ferrets, cats, and dogs. They got the disease from someone who was caring for them. Generally, it is only mild in manner, but some pets have been known to pass away, after getting sick from their owner. With this being said, the chances of coronavirus affecting pets are slim.

Wash Your Hands Often

If you believe that you have coronavirus and your pets have gotten it, you should first speak with your pet’s veterinarian. Let them know what symptoms your pet is having and whether or not you should make an appointment. At this time, it isn’t likely that your pet will have the symptoms of the coronavirus, but you can watch out for them if you feel it's necessary. These include a cough and shortness of breath.

Reason to Worry About the Coronavirus and Your Pet

There is not a reason to worry at this time that your pet will get the coronavirus. As of March 1st, 2020, there have not been any animals throughout the entire United States that have been diagnosed with Covid-19. Many veterinarians are even telling their clients that there is a very low to even a non-existent risk that pets would get the coronavirus, let alone transfer it to a human. The genetic distinction for the coronavirus, particularly Covid-19, makes it very difficult for a pet to get the disease and then pass it on to their owner.

How to Protect Pets From Coronavirus

It is important to keep your pet safe during the coronavirus epidemic even though there is a minimal to non-existent chance that they will get the virus. Some of the things you can do to keep them safe include:
  • Washing your hands before and after playing with your pet
  • Stay away from those who have been or are currently sick with the virus
  • Keep a 2 week supply of food or medications that your pet needs on-hand
  • If you get sick with the coronavirus, see if someone else can care for your pet

If you follow these tips, you can keep you and your pet safe during the coronavirus pandemic. More than likely your pet won’t be giving you the coronavirus, so you can rest easy tonight.

Are pets safe from coronavirus?

Some people have reported that their pets have been infected by the novel coronavirus. This includes cats and dogs. So yes, there is a possibility for your pet to get coronavirus.

Can pets spread the coronavirus?

According to WHO, coronavirus can spread from animals to humans. This is why it's highly recommended that you treat your infected pet as you would a human with coronavirus to minimize the probability of transmission as much as possible.

How to diagnose coronavirus in pets?

Most pets with coronavirus do not exhibit any symptoms. Some that do often show signs such as diarrhea, lethargy, loose stool, and sudden decrease in appetite.

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Written by Leo Roux

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