For such small creatures, cats can have a big impact on a lot of people. An impact on their allergies that is. Some allergy sufferers have it so bad that they can’t stand to be in the same room as a cat for more than 10 minutes. Even worse, some cannot even stand to be around a person who owns a cat for a prolonged period of time.
For cat lovers, this is terrible news. Fortunately for those who suffer from these allergies but also wish to own a feline of their own, there are some cats who possess hypoallergenic properties. There are also a few breeds of cats that may trigger allergies worse than others.
What is it About Cats That Trigger Allergies?
There are multiple reasons why a person may start sniffling and sneezing much more than usual when in the presence of a cat. The first reason could simply be the fur/dander. Allergies to cat fur and their dander are very common. Two things that simply are not escapable when you own a cat. Unless of course they are hairless by nature. You could vacuum all day every day, but your cat’s fur would still find a way to trigger your allergies.
Another factor that could be contributing to your cat allergies is, believe it or not, their saliva. Most cats have a unique protein within their saliva that has a tendency to trigger allergies in their humans. There are a handful of cat breeds whose saliva contains a much lower amount of this protein, making them virtually hypoallergenic.
Even knowing this information, sometimes it’s hard to really differentiate whether you are allergic to the cat’s fur, their dander, or the special saliva protein. Consider the fact that a cat uses its tongue to bathe by licking its fur. This is where an allergy test comes in handy, as it will give you a more detailed answer about your cat allergies.
Is There a Cure for Cat Allergies?
There is no sure-fire cure to combat against cat allergies, unfortunately. However, there are treatments that can help lessen, and in some cases eliminate, allergic reactions to cats. This treatment involves visiting the doctor routinely for allergy shots. These allergy shots even involve booster shots every month or so.
Depending on the severity of your allergies, working to build up resistance is also a potential option. By exposing yourself to a cat and heir allergy-provoking qualities you may be able to give your body the opportunity to become more tolerant of cats, and not react so harshly when exposed to them.
If nothing else, keeping your home clean can greatly reduce any trace of cat allergen sources. If your allergy symptoms are mild and you’ve decided to adopt a cat, it’s important to stay on top of vacuuming, dusting, and cleaning their litter box. By doing this you can greatly decrease your symptoms of allergies to your pet cat. Cleaning in a meticulous fashion is definitely one of the best cures for cat allergies.
The Best Cat Breeds for Allergies
There are actually several breeds of cats that are great choices for allergy sufferers who desire to own a cat. These breeds are often ones who do not have much fur to speak of. Or, if they do, they do not have an undercoat. The undercoat is the layer of fur that a cat sheds all over the place. There are even select few breeds who do not have very high levels of the protein in their salvia that is responsible for allergies.
The Devon Rex, the Cornish Rex, and the Sphynx are a few breeds of cat that either has minimal fur or none at all. The Russian Blue, the Bengal, and the Colorpoint Shorthair cat are a few other great choices for cats who are great for allergy sufferers.
The Worst Cat Breeds for Allergies
Given all of the information that’s been laid out above, it can be assumed that cats with big and fluffy fur coats are probably not the right direction to go when trying to avoid allergies. A few examples of these fluffy cats include the Persian, the Maine Coon, and the Norwegian Forest cat just to name a few of the fluffier breeds of cats out there.
Again, depending on the severity of your allergies, you may be able to get by with one of these breeds by keeping your house as free of fur and dander as absolutely possible. For the severe cat allergy sufferers, being around any of these cats may be completely impossible.
Cats make amazing pets. So amazing that some people might be willing to suffer through their allergies or do everything they can to subdue their allergies for the sake of their cat. There are in fact treatments out there to help cat allergy sufferers live a happier life with their feline companion.
All breeds of cats are wonderful and deserve a loving home, but unfortunately not every home or owner is compatible with certain cats. For cat allergy sufferers, don’t fret too much about whether you are allergic to a cat’s fur or saliva. You could just talk with your doctor and ask about allergy shots or adopt a more hypoallergenic breed of cat. Either way, living happily with a cat while also being sensitive to cats can be a reality.
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