Every child needs a pet. Pets have so many benefits. They can teach your first child responsibility, give them a companion, and even boost their immune system. If your child has been begging for a pet and you feel it is time to let them take on that responsibility, you should know there are many pets for children that you can choose from. Most parents will instantly choose a puppy for their child, but that may not be the best option for your child. Keep reading here to learn more about the different family-friendly pets that might be the best fit in your household.
Puppy or Dog
As just mentioned, most parents when considering getting a pet for their child will instantly think of a puppy or a dog. This might be the best choice for your child. Dogs can sometimes live to be 16 or even older, so the dog you choose could spend many years loving your child and being by their side. The only thing to note about puppies and dogs is they do require a lot of care.
You will need to get them to chew toys, a dog collar, a leash, food, a crate, and/or a kennel. You or your child will also need to regularly play with the puppy or dog and take it on walks regularly, too.
Kitten or Cat
Other good pets for kids could be kittens or cats. Many parents have found that cats make great companions for their children. Cats can live a long time and they like to play. The one benefit of owning a cat instead of a dog is that they require less maintenance than a dog. Your child will not have to take the cat on walks, although they can take the cats for walks if they wish. A cat can also be left alone for long periods of time and still be okay. Dogs need more regular attention throughout the day to keep them calm. You will, however, still need to get the cat a scratching post, toys, a litter box, and food.
A Turtle
Your first child might love to have a turtle. This is a great option for a pet if you don’t feel your child can handle the maintenance of a cat or a dog. It is also an excellent option if you are looking for a quieter pet. Turtles can live for a long time. They are calm and small, too. With a turtle, you will need to get them an enclosure (where they will spend most of their time), a heat lamp, a filter, food, and other equipment that your specific turtle might need. Every once in a while you may have to clean out the tank.
There are many different types of fish out there and different types of tank set-ups that you can get for your child. Fish are quiet and ideal for smaller children, who aren’t quite ready to own a cat or a dog. Besides feeding the fish, there really isn’t much else that your child will have to do to care for their fish. Although, the tank will need to be cleaned from time to time. The one thing to keep in mind is that you will need to get a big enough tank for the specific fish you are getting if you want to extend their lifespan.
Hamsters are very cute, playful, and they don’t require all that much maintenance. Their cages will need to be cleaned out, probably once a week. This is a perfect option for a first pet for your child. Hamsters don’t take up too much room either. If your family isn’t ready to get a dog or a cat, a hamster could be the next best option. For a hamster, you will need a cage, food, and a few toys. You can get a ball for them to roll around in, as well. These are some of the best and most loving pets for young kids like your first child. Choose a companion for your child today.