How Long Do Beagles Live?

If you are thinking of getting a dog, beagles are very smart, loving, and playful. They are one of the best small dogs that you could get as a pet. However, one of the many things that people consider when adding a dog to their family is how long that dog will live for.

While there is never a guarantee of how accurate the average dog life expectancy of a beagle is, there are some things that you can learn from research. When it comes to life expectancy, generally beagles live between 12 to 15 years.

The average beagle will live to be about 13 years, however, there are steps that you can do to improve your pet's life. If you don’t want to get a beagle, some other dogs that have a similar life expectancy are the Lhasa Apso breed and toy poodles.

Beagle Compared to Different Breeds

How long do beagles live? When it comes to life expectancy, the beagle’s lifespan is average. There are some dogs that have shorter life expectancies and others that have longer ones. Small dogs generally live longer than larger dogs.

For example, an Irish Wolfhound will probably only live to be around 7 years old. On the other hand, a chihuahua may live to be 20 years old. As long as your beagle gest regular exercise, they should have a great life expectancy compared to many other dog breeds. Wondering how heavy your beagle will be?

Common Causes for Death in Beagle Puppies

Studies and research has been done on beagles and their life expectancy. In these studies and the research, there are some common causes for death in beagles. It is important that you know how to spot health issues in your beagle dog.

Caring for a pet can and will incur expenses so it's important to know about how much you'll spend on your pet's health before getting one. Beagle puppies often die from infection such as parvo virus. Even if your beagle puppy gets vaccinated, there is still going to be a window of vulnerability where they could get sick. Distemper is another virus that could be fatal for beagle puppies. This virus usually affects puppies that haven’t been vaccinated. In addition, there are other health problems that beagles often encounter. Your beagle puppy could also get a bacterial infection, as well. This will attack their kidneys, liver, or central nervous system.

Trauma is another cause for death in many beagle puppies. If they fall down the stairs, get hit by a vehicle, get stepped on, or get dropped, they could die. There are congenital diseases, as well. These are diseases that are passed down from their parents. This commonly includes heart defects and liver shunts. If you want to do your best to avoid this from happening for the beagle puppy you get, be sure to get your puppy from a reputable breeder. 

Since beagles are known to have these health issues, it might be smart to consider getting a pet insurance to avoid unwanted and unexpected out-of-pocket expenses.  

Caring for your dog

Caring for your dog is sometimes a full-time job. There are so many things to know, and so little time to research! 

Here at Petsmont, we have a team whose only job is to research the best ingredients for dog products. And because Fleas & Ticks are such a big headache for dog owners, we have developed our very own & natural Flea & Tick Collar for dogs. Say goodbye to fleas, your dog will thank you!


If you live in a rural or urban area, you will want to shield your dog's paws from hard surfaces, hot pavement or even salty ice. The same way we hoomans need lipstick, our furry friends need paw balm! And because we only want the best for them, we have developed a USDA Certified Organic Paw Balm for dogs. No more dry, cracked paws. You will see a difference after the very first application. 


Petsmont Organic Paw Balm

Common Causes for Death in Beagle Adults

There are some common causes for death in beagle adults, as well. Cancer is the leading cause of death for adult beagles. This is the case for many dog breeds. Again, trauma, such as getting hit by a car, could be the cause of death for an adult beagle. Some other health issues could cause death in a beagle, as well. There are neurological reasons for deaths in adult beagles, too. If your adult beagle gets a disease of their spinal cord and/or brain it could cause them to become paralyzed, have seizures, get encephalitis (brain inflammation), or have a fatal stroke. An adult beagle could also get something called canine cognitive disorder.

Improving Your Beagle’s Life Expectancy

There are different ways that you can improve your beagle’s life expectancy. Some of the ways you can do this include:

    • Having them neutered or spayed
    • Giving them a healthy, balanced diet
    • Keeping your dog on a least when outside the home to prevent trauma accidents
    • Make sure your beagle gets all the appropriate vaccinations in a timely manner
    • Don’t expose your dog to second-hand smoke
    • Be sure your beagle is getting enough exercise to keep them healthy
    • Don’t feed your beagle table scraps

If you can do these things, you can greatly improve the life of a beagle. It is possible to have a beagle in your life for more than a decade, especially if you follow the tips mentioned above. Choosing a holistic approach when it comes to managing your pet's pains and aches is also something that you can do to improve your pet's life.


There are many different types of pets that you could get for your family. If you are thinking about adopting a dog, that helps to narrow down the options quite a bit. However, there are still many different dog breeds for you to choose from.

Many people like large dogs, while others like small dogs. If you want something in between, you might want to consider getting a beagle. They have a great life expectancy and are generally playful. Don’t forget that they often are vulnerable to certain health conditions. As long as that is something you can manage, if the beagle or beagles you get encounter any of these health problems, then you and your dog will be alright. In addition, if you think that it's the right time to consider a long-time companion for yourself and/or your family, a beagle could be the best dog breed.

What is the average lifespan of a beagle?

The beagle is a small breed of dog and smaller breeds are known to live longer. The average lifespan of a beagle is approximately between 12 and 15 years.

Are beagles good pets?

Yes. Beagles are one of the best family dogs you can get as they are very patient and are great with children. Beagles are playful and active so be prepared to give them lots of attention and exercise.

Why beagles make good pets?

This dog breed is known to have a very sweet personality. They're curious like cats and have an almost infinite amount of stamina. Beagles are gentle and playful, which is why they are popular family dogs. In addition, many people find that beagles make for great guard dogs. If you train them properly, they can help to protect you and your family. They might only bark when someone comes to the door, but that would still be helpful to allow you and your family to know that someone is there.

Should you get a beagle for your family?

Now that you have all this information regarding beagles, you may be considering getting a beagle for your family. Who is going to take care of the beagle if they live to be 15 years old? How old are you now? Do you have children or another family member that is going to be able to take care of the beagle if you are no longer able to do so? What about their health issues? Would you be able to maintain their veterinary care and manage any health issues they might encounter? If you can answer yes to these questions, then a beagle might be a great dog breed for your family. They do make great pets because they are very sweet and playful.

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Written by Leo Roux


How long do beagles live?
Not long enough sadly.
We were meant to foster our beagle Goldie for three weeks. She stayed nine years.
She was an incredibly beautiful natured dog. She loved every person and dog she met. Walks were never boring. She had to say hello to every person and dog we saw. She made me a lifelong fan of beagles. We lost her recently to cancer and I miss her terribly. Rest well, sweet girl.

Deb on Mar 01, 2022

Lovely your beagle has made 17&half,I also have a 12 year old female beagle (my best friend)gives me hope!

Lee mynall on Jun 13, 2021

We have had our “rescue” beagle, Bentley, since 2004. He was thought to be 1 year old then. So, he very well could be 18 years old now. He has arthritis and is deaf; however, he loves to take a mile walk each day. He loves to eat & we keep him on dog food only. He has been a wonderful pet. Our grandchildren have grown up with him. Our lives have been enriched by him and his antics.

Mary Long on Apr 18, 2021

We have a 17 and a half year old female beagle. She has slowed down a bit-can no longer jump 4 feet to get on the bed-but still enjoys long walks in cool conditions. Her tail has not stopped constantly wagging and she is continues to be a very merry hound, especially at dinner time. Our regal beagal remains my wifes constant companion and friend despite her old age. We are blessed to have had her all these years.

Brian Smith on Jan 31, 2021

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