If you are currently thinking about adopting a Munchkin cat because you think they are cute hypoallergenic cats, you need to consider a variety of pros and cons. Of course, you are going to consider allergies, whether your family has them or you have them.
Many people get the idea that Munchkin cats are hypoallergenic. While they are almost considered as a non-shedding cat breed because they don't shed as much as other cats, it's important to know the facts. First, let’s learn if Munchkin cats are hypoallergenic, then we will discuss if this cat breed is right for you based on your allergy levels.
So, are Munchkin cats hypoallergenic?
To start off, no. Munchkin cats are not considered hypoallergenic. Do consider, however, with their coat, short or long hair, some cats do produce less dander, which is what most people who are allergic to animals are allergic to. However, you should definitely check out our article on the Siberian Cat, as it is considered hypoallergenic.
Hairless cat breeds like the Cornish rex or sphynx cat are great options, as well.
These cats do shed a little bit to classify them as moderate shedders. Other breeds shed comparably more. If you have a not so serious allergy, this cat breed is the better breed of cat to adopt. However, they could still cause some allergic reactions.
There also are some dog breeds that are considered hypoallergenic.
Why Aren’t Munchkin Cats Hypoallergenic?
Many people wonder why certain breeds of cats are not hypoallergenic. Do know that in order for a cat to be considered to be hypoallergenic, that means the cat is not going to cause any allergies to anyone who may be triggered. To be a hypoallergenic cat, the breed would have to shed little or none at all. That means the cat would have no have almost no dander compared to other breeds who have more dander. Do not fret though! There are still cats that are good for allergies.
Is There a Hypoallergenic Cat?
If you want the truth, no. Hypoallergenic cat breeds don’t really exist. There has yet to be found a cat breed that is 100% hypoallergenic. Why? Well, all cat breeds shed sometimes, which leads to dander being produced, which then contains the Fel d1 protein, the believed causation of allergies in cats. Many believe the cause of allergies from pets is only in the urine and hair, and that is incorrect. The cause of pet allergies lies in their saliva along with the danders we just discussed, which are allergy irritants.
It’s estimated that about 10% of the major population have allergies to animals. Always be cognizant of those who suffer from animal allergies, especially if you are going to adopt a cat. Siamese cats are considered hypoallergenic, so you may want to look into the process of adopting a Siamese cat.
If you have severe allergies, it’s important to weigh if owning a pet or a cat for that matter is right for you. You would not want to have to give up your Munchkin cat down the line because your allergies have suffered.
Should You Get a Munchkin Cat?
Munchkin cats, in particular, shed moderately, which will leave dander behind on the floor, on your clothes, and can even go into your food. Though they are not considered hypoallergenic, they do not shed as much as other cat breeds. So, if you only have light allergies, this might be the right cat for you. However, remember, dander will be present. So, even if you need to see an allergist, its best to do your research before adopting a Munchkin cat. If you do decide to get one of these medium-sized cats, you can enjoy their personality and playful nature.
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If you choose to get a cat, there are many cat breeds that you could get for your family. One of the breeds that many people think are cute and friendly are munchkin cats. While these are not the most common household cats, they do have many benefits over other cat breeds. These cats don’t produce much dander. They are beautiful and most of them have great personalities. A munchkin cat could make the perfect addition to your family.
What cats are hypoallergenic?
Is there such a thing as a hypoallergenic cat?
Are munchkin cats hypoallergenic?
Where can I buy a munchkin cat?
Should I get a munchkin cat for my family?
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